Apr 23, 2006 11:59
wow...so i pretty much forgot i had a livejournal. sorry about that to anyone who actually likes reading about the shit i put in here. hmm so i need to update on my life here considering the last time i even logged into my account was back in the beginning of feb. damn. well lets see here i have been fucking busy...and pretty stressed out about everything. i thought that senior year would be a breeze and all, which it pretty much has been considering the classes im taking a easily improving my gpa to a 3.7 but damn all the shit that goes with college sucks. dont get me wrong im excited as hell to get the fuck outta my house and just be free from annoying psrents always wanting to know every detail of my life cuz they think that i might not make the right choice. fuck that im not gunna have you by my side in like 4 months and yea im gunna fuck up a time or two but that is how you learn shit. damn there i go complaining agin about how annoying being a teenager is. haha whatever fuck it, i just need it to be summer.
wow summer will be amazing...like spring break all over again. which was the time of my life. haha kinda bad cuz i cheated on my ex...but still a good time. it wasnt my fault, i tried really hard to break up with him before i left...but the damn kid started crying and getting WAY too emotional on me. im like damn boy you are acting like a girl would in this situation. that is usually how it works...i always end up with over emotional guys who freak the fuck out when i dont want it anymore. and then they get pissed cuz "i'm not showing any emotion toward it." im sorry but im already over you. but i guess i get that fron hanging out with the guys all the time.
oh yea i forgot about the little choice i made over spring brea too. i was having a hard ass time deciding between grand valley and western for school next year...and finally chose drand valley. i figured that if i went to western i would just party way too much...and probably get myself in trouble...fuck up and not get into med school. i mean i dont doubt that i would of had the time of my life there but i just wouldnt of gotten where i want in life...plus i gotta get through the nezt four years so alayna and i ccan get our apartemnt...which will be AMAZING. god i love that girl to death. dont know what im gunna do with out her right next to me all the time...the two of us are a fucking team. it's gunna suck but we are just gunna have to make up for not seeing one another that much during school, over the summers. how much do i love summer....a whole cock load. yea well kids that is all im writing at the moment cuz i gotta go run and do more shit. i promise ill update sooner than i did this time.