What would your dream occupation be?

Jul 11, 2004 18:33

You know, at one point I thought the greatest thing I could be was a mage. It was the dream of a little girl who idolised her mage foster father. I found out however when I started learning magic how difficult it can be and got depressed and eventually gave up.

At one point, I thought being a bard would be great, the all-purpose person, jack of all trades, entertainer, spellcaster, rogue. Gorion even gave me a special ivory miniature of a yarting - a guitar - that could be enlarged into a full sized, playable instrument.
I learnt hard how to play that yarting and once in a while I still pull it out and play something - anything on it.

But I got distracted by the roguish part of my training. The idea of being able to get into places locked, being able to remove items without the carrier realising, going unseen merely by my skill in hiding than any magics to turn the eye away caught my imagination.
I neglected my musical studies in favour of those of the thieving arts, thinking them more exciting.

At one point I thought I would love to be an adventurer, using my abilities to kill monsters, explore ruins and dungeons, fight evil.
I got my fill of adventure and still held that idea, feeling like I was finally living the life of my dreams.

But then I got too much for even my own tastes, I lost my craving for adventure when I found just how bad it could turn but I went on adventuring because it was what I was, what I did.

Now I think the job I have is pretty good for me, running a bookstore, living a quiet life studying this world that is so different to my own.

I really think one's dream occupation can change through one's life. One can hope however that they can change occupation as their dreams change.

Word count: 327
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