Feb 27, 2006 14:19
ok... im making my lj friends only... purely coz.. i have another account.. i have had one for quite some time now... no one at all knows it (i dont think!) it was a lj where i could write anything i want and no one read it! and im kinda sick of having two lj's! it annoys me! so every entry for now on is FRIENDS ONLY! i have deleted everyone from my friends list... if u wanna be added then comment... but i may not add u... we shall seeeeee! This will contain a lot of shit people dont know and stuff that i dont want some people to know... becoz of this fact im not gonna be adding some people who may wanna be added! you prob thinking whats the point? why dont i just keep writing in the other lj... well i find it pointless having 2 lj's! i was gonna stop writing in this lj anyway then i thought thats just silly! ill delete my other lj.. switch this to friends only and continue writing in this one! if im making any sense at all!