Sep 22, 2006 12:54
Where the hell have you all gone? Andrew, did you want Grey' Anatomy last night? Wasn't that fucking awesome!?
I've been in a bit of trouble lately with OSAP and financial aid. My money has not been transfered to my account yet and I don't know what to do. If I can't get that money, then I'm going to be kicked out of the program unless mommy/granny/grandpa pitch in the extra grand for me. I'm just really pissed because I'm not the one at fault and neither the office, OSAP or the bank is taking the fall for this, they just keep shooting the shit at each other and I still lose either way. And not only the loan, but I can't get my scholarship until that money gets processed through to the office, and I need to claim that scholarship by January.
And it's not like I can call for help because I end up crying histerically when I'm on the phone to strangers. I don't know why it happens, but it does.
What the hell am I supposed to be doing now?