May 25, 2005 19:29
Around 27 days till summer vacation, but it feels like forever. The temperature now is like winter, and the rain is like the Amazon.
Seniors leave tomorrow. This year i will miss some. Weird to think this time next year i will become a senior. Right now, im excited for next year. Cheering will be awesome, not the same, but awesome. What will we do when when the current juniors graduate? ahh. But next year- well be awesome. Tryouts are the second week in June, so soon. Too soon? i hope not, but i did want my tuck.
My progress report was pretty good. I was aiming for all A's. Pre-cal was a C+ and i had a B- in spanish. I think i can bring them both up- but do i have time? I have so much time lately, so why not put it towards school. But when i have time.. i decide to watch TV and be lazy untill midnight. I should use time productively while it's here. Next year- im will be a nutcase. Harrrrd classes, cheering, and everythine else! I cant wait :D
i cant wait
i cant wait for summer
and Dave :DDD!!!
baseball with the pecks!
and hopefully more baseball-hopefully-
and the end of this monsoon
and sun :)
and how can i forget tennis with lisa!!