Ew, I sound like a man.
I can't find my two nice black shirts.... Who stole them? Admit it!
Picture entry! (very long)
I'm thinking about something important, I promise.
It's "kick yo' ass hot!"
Ashley and I on our random quest for coffee.
Me love her... Too bad we didn't get super close until this year.
Entertaining myself on the ride home from Newton's house. (Becky's bf... and it's really Nathan)
In front of the synagogue.
Before a random coffee run to Kristophs. Good times, good times.
The Montwood Cappies before our first show. Yeah, we look badass.
My favorite picture from the night. Watch your hand.
Valerie showcasing how she would look if she packed on quite a few pounds.
Now we move into the seduction pictures.
Samantha doing her seduction things... You can tell it's her from the boobs. ;)
Me love my Valawie.
Random picture of Miss Price! :)
My neighbor and I decided to have a photoshoot for his myspace.
I don't look too fat.
This is my favorite. It looks all interestingly photographed.
At Eastwood for A Chorus Line. Our color scheme this time was black and white.
Valerie and I as Siamese Christmas Elves.
I'm the New Years Baby bitch! Now break it down.
Hannukah Boy.
Kwanzaa Girl!
Fake snow picture.
The Socorroans providing an amusing picture.
Surprised by a picture at the Lock In.
The Ugly Ass Grinch
Me and Erica at Lindy's shindig type thing.
Cutest picture of Rubi ever.
In love in the aisles at Albertsons
The family at Shoguns for Jack's b-day
My cousins, Becky, and Ashley... Horrendous picture of me, but I love them.
Cute picture of Isa at break for PRH
Samantha and Ashley.... :)
I'm looking happy.
At Tinseltown.
About to see The Producers.
Springtime for Hitler and Germany!
Cute group picture.
At the Sun Bowl
Dad and I in terrible lighting.
Let's go NU
Cool picture of the band. They don't know I took it.
Really out of it on the field.
Group cousin photo!
New Years Eve
Ashley's New Years Eve Party
Pimping it indeed.
My favorite twins
Skanky photo from Sam. Me, VNA, Sam
Janelle and Sam in the morning.
Welcome to Insights- The Columbus Code.
More swimming...
Before we sent a cannonball at their ship...
We found the treasure biatches!
Yeah, we're bigger than the Earth... Get over it.
Trying to take cool pictures inside the cool kaleidescope type thing...
I look like a furry puppy that is confused.
Cool mirror picture.
In that shadow thing.
The nail exhibit type thing.
Loving the giant heart.
Looking good in our space glasses.
Badass cousin carrot picture.
Isa and Beto!
Modeling her makeshift pjs.
Nasty picture before we settled in for about five hours of Sex and the City.