Jul 17, 2006 17:46
It is official. I will be going back to school in a month. In a way, im actually excited. I have been away long enough. I have recovered from all the unecessary drama that comes with high school. Going shopping for new school supplies is always fun too.
Anyway, i am happy to say that Matt has finally seen Advent Children. I am excited to the extreme. He did like it overall and actually liked most of the voices that people tend to hate for no reason. However, he was not to fond of Sephiroth's voice. WHATEVER Matt.
Today was "Pet Your Pet Day". i pet my dog and everyone should pet their pets because it is the right thing to do.
Which reminds me, i heard a very funy story on tv. ok. There apparently were these friars outside hugh hefner's mansion and they were trying to plant flowers. Hugh was quite upset and tried to get rid of them. Many people tried to despose of these friars but Hugh was finally able to lure them away through the use of a large can opener. Remember, "Only Hugh can prevent florest friars."
I also got a new Gorillaz cd today which is fabulous. It just screams Happiness. For example, here is a line from one of the songs. "I'm happy, i'm feeling glad. I've got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless, but not for long. My future is comming on." Beautiful.
Remember.....Pet Your Pet!