I wonder what life would be like without me in it.

Jul 02, 2005 22:58

DO you ever wonder what life would be like for the people yu care about if you weren't in it? DO youe ever sit there and think that everyone would be sooo much happier if they had never met you? DO you wonder who they might have called their first love, or if they would have preferred not having a little sister? I would love to be able to see what my favorite people's lives would be like if I weren't apart of them. I mean it is easy enought o just never talk to the people, but to have never been a part of their lives at all and never have made th influence that I had on them would make it amazing to see what their life was like. I guess that it is just wishful thinking to try and find a way to do that, or to find out what their lives would be like now if you were just gone. But as we all know, you can't ever see anything like that. once your lines are said, you're outta the show, no hanging around to watch the rest..... I just wish i could, 'cause sadly, i think everything would be soo much better for everyone, if i were just not there, I mean look at karkar for example, ever since we drifted apart, she ahs been doing great and has been really happy.. Imagine what it culd do for other people, like lucas, Diddy, or even Elias.... Oh, well, thoughts are only thought until you do something about them right?
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