Oct 07, 2004 21:47
I am goin 2 hand in my Art Work about Kew Gdns 2moz....i think i dun alrite.....i dun 10 pages but 2 of them were just a title page and contents...;.duno if that counts? :S o well.
shona was attacking me 2day and i was attacking her. i tied her to a chair and drew on her with semi-permanent pens and eyeliner hehe!!!
hannah got an lj...yay!
my hands r itching like mad and i dont no y!!!
mei-leng is so screwd with her art she has only dun 5 pages and 1 of them is blank and 1 is left 4 photos which she hasnt got........soz mei but u r so seriously screwd!!!!
i'm meant to be revising for my first PE Theory assesment 2moz but i cnt b botherd i dont no y...this is my future that im depending on! owell i will have a major revision sesssion during lunch 2moz lol!
im also meant ot be completin Chapter 3 in maths but i haven't i think miss is collecting our books in 2moz......o shit!
hehe i cn hear mei-leng on the phone 2 sophie now thru audio speakin 2 sophie about the photos she ment 2 have.
lemme found out wots happenin...... a ha! sophie has dun the photos.....allthough i dont see much point of her doing them now! she has 2 hand in her book 2moz and the photos are on a cd so thereofre mei-leng wont get the cd till 2moz and so she cnt get them into her book until monday coz miss is collecting them in 2moz and i think she is marking them ova da weekend.....o dear!
ok im meant 2 b runnin my bath atm this is gonna be a long nite 4 me maybe a short sleep...go to bed after having a bath and my mum drying and striaghtenin my hair and wake up at something like 6 2moz to revise and do maths....actually that mite be too late i take 4eva 2 revise and do maths! grrr! 5.30am then! 5.30AM god i must be v v insain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brb goin 2 run bath...........
ok baths running........
hehe just looked on Zoe's LJ, i like her icon thingy its funni its an animated icon and it has a pic of Harry Potter and Remus Lupin .
Harry: ' you're a wearwolf?!'
Remus : yes
Harry: are you fukin serious?!
Remus: yes, that too
Harry: what?
Remus: oops...too much information!
hehe its funni.
omg i just realised this is the LONGEST ever lj entry i have EVER written *claps* wooo!
ffsffsffs my hands wont stop fukin itching its driving me round the bend! i think im allergic to something!!! im goin 2 come 2 skl 2moz and my hands will be ripped to shreds!!!!!
anyway i gotta go now................bye x