Title: Meow! (Part. 1)
Fandom: Super Junior
Pairing: Kyumin
Genre: Crack, slight!angst
Summary: Non-stop meowing keeps Sungmin awake, and Kyuhyun has to go and find out the cause.
Disclaimer: Don't own characters, only the plot and the cat.
Note: Inspired by my sleepless night because of, yes, cats meowing.
"Ohmagawd! I can't take this any longer!!" Sungmin whispered into the dark. He turned around till he was facing kyuhyun and gently nudged him.
"Kyu. Hey kyu?" Sungmin whispered.
"Kyu! Wake up!" Sungmin nudged kyuhyun harder.
"Kyuhyun!!" Sungmin jabbed his sides.
"I'm up! I'm up! Geez!" Kyuhyun exclaimed. He turned towards their bedside clock and faced sungmin again.
"Yes min? What did you want at 3.00 in the morning?"
"I can't sleep kyu! Those cats meowing outside... It's so annoying!!!"
No response.
"Kyu! Wake up!" Sungmin shook kyuhyun's body.
"Yes! What?" kyuhyun jolted.
"The cats kyu! The cats! It's like they're giving birth or something."
"So? What do you want me to do then?" Kyuhyun tried rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he yawned.
"I don't know! Help them deliver the babies or something! Just shut them up!"
"No! No way am I going outside! Right now! To shut some cats up!"
"I can't believe I'm outside. Right now. Just to shut some cats up." kyuhyun, who was looking rather unamused was standing in the cold, outside his warm house where he should be asleep now.
"And how the hell am I suppose to shut those cats up! I don't even know where they are!" He grumbled. Standing by the curbs in his blue, rubber ducky pajamas was not the best idea, but he was lucky that he was able to at least grab a coat before he was pushed unceremoniously out of his house by Sungmin. He stood standing there unsure of what to do before a gust of cold wind brought him back to his senses.
"Aish... Better get this done and over with." He told to himself.
He swallowed his pride and began to do cute kitty sounds to try and lure the cats out.
"Hey kitty kitty~ Kyuhyunnie is here~ Come to Kyuhyunnie~!
He did that for awhile, gaining stares from people who were out that late. I mean, who wouldn't? A grown man, in pajamas cooing to get some kittens (who are currently really quiet making it seem as if kyuhyun was talking to thin air) out. Kyuhyun was really embarrassed and could feel the blush painted on his cheeks since he began his "kitten finding mission" get redder
( -It's cause it's getting colder!!-
-oh shush kyuhyun! You know that's not true!-).
He was just about to throw in the towel and just go home to get some rest when he heard some faint meowing. His face lit up and a smile grace his features, delighted that "Yes! Finally! The cat has appeared!"
He followed the faint meows and came upon an orange, white spot cat... Or what was once white spots...
It's fur was covered in mud and dried blood stuck onto its fur. There were 3 streaks of open wound which was still oozing out fresh blood and staining its fur. Kyuhyun looked at the injured cat in shock and something told him that the meows Sungmin was hearing earlier was the sound of this cat in a fight with another cat. He continued to stare at the cat till it let out another whimper. That was when kyuhyun decided that he couldn't just leave this cat out to die, so he carried the cat delicately in his arms and ran back to his house as fast as possible without causing the cat more pain.
"Min! Min!" Kyuhyun shouted the moment he step foot into his apartment.
"Yea kyu? You found the kitty?" Sungmin rubbed his eyes and yawned cutely as he made his way out of the bedroom.
"Yea! The cat is injured!! So I brought it home," Kyuhyun was frantically running around the house trying to get the few items he needed in order to treat the kitten, "Here. Hold it carefully." he said as he places the kitten into sungmin's arm before rushing off to get a cloth, water, and other stuff.
Sungmin looked down into the furball and his eyes widened in shock at the injuries littering it's body. He went over to the table kyuhyun was at and placed the kitten onto the cloth that has already been laid out. Sungmin stroked the cat lovingly and turned to face kyuhyun, only to see him putting on surgical gloves with a face mask already on his face.
"What are you doing kyu?" Sungmin asked quizzically.
"I didn't study bio all these years for nothing min," he replies seriously, "call me Doctor."
Sungmin would have laughed if they weren't in this situation. He nodded, "Can I help? I mean, I AM in the same class as you are."
"You don't even need to ask, Nurse Lee."
Sungmin grinned.
A/N: So... This is a two shot cause I'm still half way through the second part. I hope you enjoy it!
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