So yeah it's been a long time huh? sorry!

May 03, 2005 16:34

So, sorry i haven't updated in like a year or something okay a few weeks, (i like to exaggerate.)

Well since my last update i have had a week of doing nothing really and then the fun started. well i had a saturday rehersal a whole week of technical rehersals, three shows, then two days of doing nothing then four shows and then i had to help strike the set(take it apart) and i officially hate

All of that went rather well i thought. And dad even made it to one of the shows but Georgia couldn't come because she was sick, the poor little thing. But he left the next morning so we didn't get to spend much time together but it was fun while it lasted. oh and a scary thought i was left alone to eat w/both my parents,just me and my parents in the same room! that was one weird feeling.

on a random note i am having a really good hair day.

anyway back on track, i am currently trying to get a part time job for evenings and weekends so if anyone knows if someone is hiring let me know please! :)

well that's enough for now. BYE!!!!

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