Mar 24, 2005 11:57
As you are reading this you have mentally signed a contract: you must leave a comment saying hi and then you must fill this quiz out with your answers and put it on your own Lj - break the rules and all your underwear will go missing by the next morning - im warning you…
× Name: Ashley Renee Hall
× Age: 16
× Sex: female
× Eye colour: hazel
× How’s things: pretty good i have all my school work done for the day,amazingly
× Prostitute Name (Name of first pet + street name): Big Bird Old Mill
× What was the last thing in your mouth: a cheezit cracker
× What underwear are you wearing now: the kind that you wear
× How do you think your portrayed to others: ? prolly very very strange
× What rumour would you like to spread about yourself: that i was going to LA for the summer to an acting camp. but i wouldn't do that cause rumors are bad.
What do you?
× Desire: A CAR!!!
× Smell like right now: my deodorant
× See out of your window: sky and mountains
× Look for in a partner: good hair is a major plus, blue eyes but that really doesn't matter, funny, sweet, christian (catholic preferably), good teeth, smells good
× Have a fetish for anything: shoes and purses prolly
Would you? (Yes or no (not Maybe))
× Ever have a one night stand: No
× Kiss someone of the same sex: No
× Save someone’s live in risk of losing yours: would depend on the person
× Crayon colour: tickle me pink
× Flavour: banana
× Quote: that one helen has about the circle i can't remember right now.
× Place: shopping anywhere practically
× Possession: my CD's, my bass, my audrey hepburn movies
× Time of day: ummmm 8pm
× Movie: Breakfast @Tiffany's, Sabrina, My Fair Lady, What a Girl Wants, The Notebook, Pillow Talk
× Person: God, Mom, Grandma&Grandpa Hayes, Grandma Jenny,
× Emotion: crazy
× Happiness is…having fun
× If you were the opposite sex for a day what would you do:i have no clue
× What was the last lie you told: don't remember
× What couldn’t you live without: MY mother
× What do you wear to bed: tinkerbelle pants and a shirt of some kind
× What song would you like played at your funeral: music
× Cat or dog: neither thanks
× Bath or Shower: shower
× Candles: apple
× I would do anything for love but I wont do…(what?) forfeit my morals.
× If you could have a cup of tea with anyone who would that someone be? Audrey Hepburn
× What are you thinking right now: i love this song
× It’s your first time to have sex (even if it isn’t) explain how you would like it to be: ??????
× Who do you idolise: well as far as like my career and stuff Audrey Hepburn,and Doris Day, as far as real life my mother.
× What is your obsession: pink
well that was fun.