new layout once again

Jan 31, 2005 01:36

Well i have a new layout sorry i change it all the time my moods change and well i just like fixing journals and no one ever asks me so i just change my own all the time. i did make the head and icon myself and the lyrics on the header are from jesse mccartney's "why is love so hard to find?" and the pictures are from jesse_pix, more specifically from a member of that community greyorchids so i would like to thank them very much.

on w/the update this week has been kinda boring and had a few rough bumps. but good parts too.

bumps: grandma decided to adopt two puppies on tuesday so i couln't go there to watch gilmore girls
2.old feelings have come back but new feelings are present too and i'm all confused.
3.i'm beginning to think that one of my friend's doesn't really want to be my friend but i am too afraid to confront her about it.
4.i accomplished NOTHING!

good parts:
1.helen and i got to ride by ourselves from practice to burger king thursday night.
2. my grandma go rid of the puppies by thursday
3.i auditioned for the play @ UVA-Wise. hoping that went well. the jesse mccartney CD
5. got to watch gilmore girls at my other grandma's.
6. THIS IS THE BIG ONE!!! my uncle scotty called me wedensday night and said he had tickets to the FOOD CITY 500 at bristol and asked if i wanted to go and of course i said YES! so i am very excited about that. YAY!

anyway this week should be interesting have practice mon. and thurs. for ACT then wedensday i have a hair appt. then hmmm maybe this weekend if it doesn't snow i can do something. well i'm gonna go to bed now trying to fix my journal was a pain in the rear so it kinda wore me out. NIGHT!
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