Dec 24, 2004 16:03 always stuck 4 how to start this thing....aye so yesterday i went 2 glasgow and got a giant mint choco chip frappicino which was soo nice and sat in starbux *nerds* 4 ages being nice and warm while everyone outside was soakin and lookin in *Jelous* and then we had become those people and go out and get wet . I bought amazin jeans from d2 and im wearin them 2nite to this mad partayyyy that im going 2 with the parental and Mels cumin WOOT!!! i asked ross and he was bein borin rarr! He called my moosic "Noise pollution" *cry* even tho i know he secretly listens to it cos he knew the little tune and stuff lol...u know you do.
Yeah Mel Steven and Douglas came round to mine , but douglas canme a little later and i said that mel and staven had gone home , even tho they were upstairs and bout 5 mins l8r they pure started makin thumps and stuff and douglas was poure panicking and sayin "fone the police fone the police" and i persuaded him 2 cum upsatirs with me to check out "were thwe noise is cumin from" and 4 sum reason Douglas came out with "Ill get the hoover" lmao , and then steven actually scarwed me cos i just saw his face appearing outta darkness and stuff and i screamed and ran down the stairs lol...were pure mature. Then wen mel and steven went home me and dougie sat and watched the bride of chucky lmao its so funny then he left and lefy me all alonio so there i was the whole nite listenin to ma "noise pollution" and talkin to Ross 4 like 49 mins or summit lol <3 <3 <3 anyways gotta go now bubi xoxoxoxox