Great...I'm sick

Jun 02, 2005 16:31

So, first day of in-water guard training and guess who's sick....yep, me! Doesn't help that we're in freezing cold water...although one of the managers keeps telling me that you don't get sick from the cold...but it sure doesn't HELP if I'm already sick, right?! Woke up and felt sick and dizzy all day. A couple times I had to stop in the hall and put my hand on the wall because I was that dizzy, I felt like I was going to fall over. Not good. But I can't miss school otherwise I have to take my finals. I finished all of my AP Chemistry labs in class today even though staring at them made me dizzier and sick. But they're done! At least I got to turn in practically all of my books for every class! 2 days of school left for me! I'm really excited...we got our clearence forms today and everything. So, in a nutshell, I'm graduating soon, I feel sick, I'm playing catch-up in AP Chemistry (NOT FUN!), and in water training sucks!

Uhg, now I have to decide between graduation parties or work this weekend...I know, it seems like an easy choice, but come! I one's going to be at the pool this weekend so it would be the easiest shifts in the world, but I don't want to disappoint people by not coming. What ev, I'll think about it later.

And I'm SUPER mad at Ashley, a girl in my Newspaper class who is just basically trying as hard as she can to make me jealous of "how Jayson treats her" so that we'll break up. Why can't people just back off of him?! Hello, at eight months it's kind of a hint that it's going to be a while so backoff! People are so dumb! Has everyone lost their common sense or just their respect for other people's relationships? Turns out she was totally exagerating about all of it...okay, Jayson's a's uncomfortable for me, but that's who he is and he can't control it and it doesn't mean anything out of the ordinary for anyone but me! Girls are such bitches. I like hanging out with guys SO much more! Haha, my mom wanted me to apply to an all girls school for college...yeah...right. Never going to happen. It just kind of makes me worry how next year is going to be with me away and all these girls all over Jayson because I'm not around...great. Didn't need to think about that. UHG! Why can't life be easier?! All I ask is that people respect our relationship, but nooo...

This is turning out to be WAY longer than I wanted it to be. I have to go shower after being in that disgusting pool...all the hot water in this house is SO mine! I just can't get warm. I probably have a fever which would be absolutely amazing! Anyways, at least I have no homework!

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