May 26, 2004 19:54
first of all, i want to say that you do not know how i feel. you may think you do, but you really don't. for a while i thought you might know, i thought "wow, maybe they do get me," but you don't. this isn't really focused towards one person, i'm more generalizing towards everyone around me.
i would also like to say that right now i feel so alone and i really need some support. because even though i have a lot of friends and everything, there's something missing, and i know exactly what it is. considering the fact that none of my friends understand me, i am alone.
yesterday i mentioned that life is good to a few people. i would like to take that statement back. life is NOT good. life is hard. life is depressing. life is what makes people want to give up and die. there are so many people that would give so much to just be able to quit, but they keep holding on. i know i'm one of those many people.
the only reason i am writing this journal is in hopes that someone may read it and be able to see what really is me. so many people just see the clothes and the friends and everything else and assume i'm just like every other person out there. maybe if i write this, someone else who's been afraid to say everything i'm saying will see it. maybe somebody might just find what they've been looking for. i wish i could find what i was looking for.
the last thing i would like to say is that i am not nearly as lost as you may think i am. i know exactly where i am in life, i just don't feel like progressing and finding myself yet, but i know that if i had someone to help me through .. life would be good again.
"I wanna lover I don't have to love. I wanna guy who's too sad to give a fuck."
- Bright Eyes