Mar 30, 2004 02:04
Have u ever found that 1 person u wanna b with for the rest of ur life and its like whenever ur together nothing else matters,i could be in a ROOM FULL of ppl with this man and i swear its just him and me.I wanna b with him and feel him and kiss him and hold on to him as tightly as possible.Ive never felt so deeply for n e 1 its like when we have sex,its not just sex its like im feeling everything about him deep inside me ,...GET OUT OF THE GUTTER RIGHT NOW! talking heart and soul not cock and pussy!...JESUS PERVS! hahaha yuh CAUGHT CHA! neways i love him i know i do im finally in love for the very first time =)and i hope its the last.i see his flaws but they arent flaws to me they make him that much more perfect that much more real,and that much more mine...On the 8th he'll b in keywest that marks our 8 months =) hehe.I was at pizza hut with him gettin 2 pizzas for dinner with his rents and us 2 and ofcourse his doggy(no we dont give nikki pizza) anyways while we were waiting he held his body against me and held me and huggled and kissed me the whole time it was like no1 else was there,he is the most amazing person in the world and he makes me feel soo special,its like all i wanna do is b with him and b held by him and just ughh...i love him soooo much...::Sigh:: heh its a funny thing with love we fight all the time bout thr stupidist things but at the end of it all we end up just laughing bout how stupid that all was ,ive come to find that when i cry im crying more for his feelings then my own...howd i know i was first in love?heh it all happend over a coversation when he told me he wanted to go to the army..i bursted into tears,and i knew if he left id fall apart,then one night on the beach he took my up to this tower thing at night and we spent all of 30 minutes cuddling on that cold night then he helped me down and we headed towards the waves where i asked him how he truly felt..and he looked me straight in the eyes under the moonlight and said "Gretel,I am in love with you,there are no if and's or but's about it" heh i couldnt hold it back i started crying again but this time not cuz i was hurt but cuz i was soooo happy i do that a lot now,atleast with him,hes been there for me through soooo much!!!!!
I really want to thank him for being my everything,and Jason,Im in love with u too,no if and's or but's about it =) muahszs