May 11, 2004 12:05
Yay! My First LiveJournal entry. How exciting! Not really, but anyway...
I don't exactly have much to write, but I thought I've got this thing, I may as well post in it! Even if it's total crap...oh, well, no one has to read it!
I have been doin absolutely nothin all day and plan on doing more of it for the rest of te day. It's Tuesday, yay!, one of my days off. :D I should really stop thinking of them as days off tho, coz it means that I don't get any work done! Which is very bad...I've got avoiding uni work down to an art...And this thing seems like another useful distraction from it! Which is probably not a good thing, but oh well!
Actually, I really don't wanna be like this anymore. I told myself at the beginning of the year that I would do all my work in good time, not like last year when I did everything on the last minute, but that definately hasn't happened! If anything, I've gotten worse! Argh. Oh well, I've got the excuse that it's the first session at uni ad I didn't know what was going on. But I can't use that next session! I hope i am better then...I will be better then. I really wanna be. It's just extra stress for me and it means that I probably don't reach my full potential.
I'm just so LAZY!! Can't help it.
I'm undecided yet whether I like uni or not. Some days I do, others I don't. I dunno...
It has been good for a couple of meeting the lovely Panda Lily! Yay! She's great :) And her friends...I'm so glad I met some new people. The old circle was, is still, definately gettin a bit frustrating for me.
I wish I was more outgoing tho. And secure. My mum says I'm oversensitive, and always have been, whatever that means...
Oh, and another reason uni's been good is coz I met up with one of my friends from primary school! She's great. She was like one of my best friends, but she went to a different high school and we eventually lost touch, in like, year 8 or something. And then she was in one of my classes! Yay! At first we did a bit of catching up, just light conversations, it was a little strange, a little awkward I guess...
But the other day, we sat down over a plate of hot chips (after walkin out of the most boring lecture in history- on Land and Nation- Ahhh! Australian Studies sucks arse) and we had a really good conversation! Like, serious catchin up and stuff, it was cool...
Big News: Only 6 sleeps till my birthday!!! YAY! Hehehe, I love birthdays! :D As I'm sure everyone can tell by now...
It's one thing my Mum has always done really good, our birthdays. She always makes em really special. Yay, it's so exciting!!! :D Even tho I know most of what I'm gettin anyway. Oh, well it's still special! :)
And I'll be 18! Lol, altho I'm not sure I really wanna be. I don't wanna grow up! Scary...
Well, I think I've crapped on enough for the moment. I'm off to find another distraction....
Oh shite I just remember my room is an absolute mess...I better clean it b4 my Dad has a heart attack...crappers...
-Pink Lady xxo (like my name? It was the first thing that popped into my head lol...)