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May 01, 2005 16:31

ahh Lj its been a long time. i think im just gonna dive right in here.

last week was a short week thank god. it was one less outfit i had to plan, which was awesome. i had a mock ap exam on thursday...that was hoot. i thnk i did considerably okay..and by okay i mean i prolly still failed but no more than usual. i really think that a 50% should be a C rather than an F...but hey i guess thats just me. after the exam i went home and slept n did a lot of eating. all i had was crackers in a lolly pop so i was starving...me n joeseph n rami were suppose to go n c Amnity Ville Horror which was exciting but some how that just didnt happen, which was unfortunate.

friday at around 11 me n the fam headed off to Stuart but biliam's brother's wedding. friday was the wedding shower n we had sushi n other japanese stuff at some restaurant...it was a rather long shower and it was kinda unconventional but thats cool. after that we headed over to the hotel which was aesome. the girls n i had our own room (w/ cable might i add) while bill n nadia had their own. the hotel looked over some bay. it was rather pretty. after an abdunance of rest the mcknight fam n the fortune fam met up for dinner. yummy lasgna n yummy garlic bread. got to hang out w/ the wee little mcknights..lil addison n lil walker are too cute! they're both like 5 or 6 n i adore them. then there's the baby laura marley (named aafter bob)whom i love but she doesnt love me back. lol. i got invited to see amnity ville w/ my "cousins" but i declined the offer bc frankly i just kinda wussed out.

saturday morn we went to a diner. it was super...very...dinery...had a little diner charm. they made good bacon but they coulda done a little better w/ the french toast. after that i went to the beach w/ Alexis(cousin. that was fun for about 2 bc the min we walked out of her car the wind was insane n the little sea shells in the sand were flying like crazy and kept hittin us. it hurt like a mo so we just kinda vetoed that idea n went over to her friends house where i met Lauren and Elise. i borrowed this lauren girl's pants (bc she had 4 pairs of bermunda shorts n she thought itd be cute if we all looked the same) and we went to the Treasure Coast Sqaure mall. well let me tell u, this girls car was pimmmmp. im tlakin massive speakers, nice sound system, the works. i was quite impressed.

the wedding was pretty cool. it was very casual n tropical themed. the bride (jean-ne`) looked very pretty in her beachy dress. the cermony was short but the recpetion lasted for quite a bit. it was kinda open barish n after about 2 hrs just about everyone was drunk off their asses (pardon my french). lol it was quite funny. i had my first actual glass of champagne. it was pretty good. it was just kinda handed to me wen it was time for the toast. usually i say no but this time iwas kinda like eh, it taste good for once, everyone's too drunk to notice im drinking illegally n i was just like why not? lol.

today was brunch. i had alot of bacon. it was good. lol. bill and nadia are shacking up officailly now. just about everyone knew except for my mom so for once in her life she was actually speechless. angelica had a semi bad reaction to it but oh well im sure shes fine now. i got to drive a good ways home today. that was exciting. oh n i made my first star bucks purchase. it was okay. i really didnt know what to order being a Star Bucks Virgin and all . lol. i asked for iced coffee which apparently is not at all the same as cold coffee w/ like whipp cream and all that good stuff. lol. iced coffee is literally black coffee w/ ice lol. so i went up to the counter n made a switch. the workers could tell i was a newbie and made the exchange w/o a fuss lol.

well i think thats aabout it...oh yeah i just found out that my licensing area (the one in winter park) has now jumped on the band wagon w/ BROWN licenses. i am truely pissed. oh what were we thinkin when we came up w/ that idea..brown licenses..grrrr...ppl must be on crack i sware. oh well. maybe i'll go out of orange county to somewhere behind on the times to get it done lol.

so yeah. NOW that's it. its nice to be back home.
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