
Jan 26, 2007 23:22

I left Ottawa early this morning (6 am) and arrived in TO around 10:30. I was supposed to get together with a friend for a girls day but she was sick so I did some things on my own. After checking in I went up to the AGO to see the Ansel Adams exhibit. It was fabulous. His images really capture the wild and mountainous areas of California. Looking at some of the images I felt that I was standing on a tiny little precipace looking over a vast expanse of natural landscape. After shopping in their gift store and picking up some Ansel Adams' books I hopped onto the Subway and went up to the ROM. I specifically went there to see the Lalique glass exhibit. I loved the detail. After that exhibit I had time to wander through some of the galleries. A lot of changes have taken place since the last time I was there. Not certain how I feel about them. I also purchased their Byzantine replica earrings for my SCA persona but I think they may also end up in my regular jewellry drawer see:
I have been eyeing these earrings for a few years and since I was there well my visa just happened to pop out of my purse.

I ended the day having dinner with my brother and his family at Le Papillion near the Farmer's Market and then a swim.

Tomorrow is a meeting and then a visit with a friend and back home on Sunday.
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