Yeah ok lj sucks.
But im updating.
Because people are bugging me to update.
Whats new with you guys ?
If We havnt talked in an hour
i expect you to leave a message.
So i was supposed to go to Texas for 2 weeeks next weds. but now im not :(
But this summer i am going on a missions trip to the Ozark Mountains.
Which will be really neat. Some of the peoples housing there is really sad and we are going
to go and help people rebuild. Im super excited. Its only for a week so i wish it was longer than that.
If any one wants to help out or sign up let me know.
Tiffany Wygant has a BOYFRIEND.
Not kidding. me and Bethanie hooked them up at the video store.
But i guess he dumped her yesterday .. but yes that should go in the new record book.
He was really nice and they did make a cute couple but oh well i guess .. :(
It seems like lots of my friends are breaking up lately.
So Me and Tyler were walking out of the school today and Tyler hit this guy on accident
this guy ... he was super ghetto like a wigger .. and starting bitching at tyler lol " u mother fer u hit me" Soo Tyler runs away and just points to me lol omgsh.. You should of saw Tylers face.
You guys need to comment and tell me our best memories together :) No kinky stuff either ..
Sorry Bre , Malorey and Stephy.
Yes that is Benjamin David marking his territory .. aka Tiffanys job.
And thats James Mccolum smoking .. fun dip at Taco Bell .. right before they yelled at us for doing " drugs " .