please somebody help me

Apr 12, 2006 22:53

The American Scheme of Things
    The “American Dream” that Willy Loman is trying to achieve, in one sense or another throughout Arthur Miller’s “Death of A Salesman”, does not exist. It is a myth created by the American government and supported by the marketing industry. It was developed as a way to get people to come to this country and “become rich quick”, however people did come, only to find that there was nothing to get rich quick from. The Eastern European immigrants found work in boat yards and lived in slums. The Mexican immigrants found work on ranches and didn’t usually have roofs above their heads. The Asian immigrants found work on railroads, where they died from dehydration and exhaustion. The American dream is non-existent, an illusion that drives people to want more, just a false hope inserted into people’s minds.
    What is the American Dream? Having a stay at home wife, two to four kids, a home, a yard, and a white picket fence; or just living from paycheck to paycheck so long as that paycheck comes from a job in this country. The true American Dream is not one goal in particular, but a collection of goals mixed together and thrown on a canvas labeled “Perfect”. The ideal American Dream that had been burrowed deep within Willy Loman’s mind, was one that was unattainable. Though what that dream was exactly was never stated outside of the fact that Willy wanted the best for his boys. He was a man that had been brainwashed since the day he was born to try and achieve something that his parents could not all so his children could achieve something he could not. Will probably would not have become so disillusioned if it were not for the constant bombardment of media propaganda and lies that had been shoved down his throat since his birth. If Willy had only known that the “American Dream” did not exist, he might have been able to save himself.
    “Willy Loman enters carrying two suitcases. It takes him the whole play…to realize that they are not just the marks of his calling. They are the burden of his life,” (Bigsby). All people here as they grow up is work work work, anything is possible through hard work. This is not true. Just because Test Subject A has a higher GPA and ACT/SAT scores than Test Subject B does not mean Test Subject A is going to get into the college of choice, unless Test Subject B is of the same race and economic background. The “American Dream” is said to be perfect, where everybody is happy and frolicking through the flowers; then why is Test Subject A not frolicking? Because everything is not equal, and it never will be; all because of liberals trying to make everything more perfect and convenient for people that are not even a part of this country and the conservatives are just trying to make it a land of many separate cultures. If the “American Dream” is to be achieved then work must be done, but the correct work, not this, “America! Land of opportunity!/America! The streets are paved with gold!” (Kanter) nonsense. It must be done through understanding of each other’s beliefs and actions. Just because Test Subject C waters his yard with syrup every Thursday morning, and Test Subject D does not is no reason why Test Subject D should call Test Subject C weird or persecute him for his actions. Personal beleifs should not come in to play until the majority of people’s morals have been offended by an individual’s “beleifs”. It can be said all day long that slaughtering a chicken in a parking lot is a belief, but it is not, this person is just trying to push the limits of freedom and that is immoral. Morality is what the laws of society should be based upon and not what some people felt was just hundreds of years ago. And people’s morality should tell them that lying is wrong and that people should not put false hope into those that are easily swayed.
    Do not tease a starving dog with pictures of meat and then hand that dog an empty bowl, that will be an action of regret. If it is promised then people will seek it, and it better be delivered or there will be no more promises. Fame and fortune is not on the proverbial menu for everyone. Somebody has to be the skeleton crew, the janitor, the illegal alien that just mowed your yard for five dollars without complaining, because he knew there would be no phone call to the INS. Somebody has to be the ditch diggers, the port-o-potty cleaners, the salesmen. “Lets face it- man’s best friend is money,” (Cartoon C) says the dog that has become neglected by his owner’s who are out pursuing a lifestyle that they can not afford on a Wal-Mart greeter and Blockbuster manager salary. When eating diner, notice the people that serve the food, they are working. They are taking money from people that have already done their job for the day. So when all is said and done, where does the money go? Eventually into the pockets of everyone, and that is what the liberals will not admit to knowing. But who are these servers? Usually the lowest of economic status that are struggling to get by and be treated as equals in society. This is what the conservatives will not admit to knowing. The “American Dream” is a main entrée set on a nice golden platter on a platform in the center of the Temple of Doom. Who will grab that entrée and save America for its poor inhabitants that squirm in the dirt day after day after day, only to get dirtier and further behind?
    In conclusion money  can buy happiness, but only temporarily. Liberals and Conservatives are liars and morons. The American Dream is just a picture tacked onto a telephone pole in New York City announcing a benefit concert for the awareness of the spreading of diseases in someplace that most will never visit. Follow the truth to a minimum wage job and stay there, it is the only hope.
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