This is what's up.

Oct 05, 2005 15:57

Hey everyone! Yeah. So I've decided that I'm going to get back on my LiveJournal track, and now I'm going to most definitely be as active as I possibly can be. Right now, nothing that important has been going on. School started about five weeks ago, and what can I say about it? Well, it's a lot better than last year, most of my classes are pretty rad, but I have some new teachers who surprisingly, can't teach at all. I swear I'm getting less and less smart every time my math teacher things, I was actually pretty good at math last year, and she just put an overcast on confusing ways to do easy things. Also, I'm not doing the best behavior-wise. It's not my fault, though. Teachers just happen to expect more than they're going to get from me. I mean, who really gives detention for chewing gum? It's not even against school policy. Whatever, screw that. I've joined a lot of clubs though, which I'm super excited for. I'm in the school newspaper, but I failed to go to any of the meetings yet, so hopefully I'm still in it, but besides that I'm also the Student Class Treasurer? That's rad, mos' deff. Especially considering last year I wasn't active in anything to do with school at all. I'm also in art club and key club (a club where you do volunteer work) and that's about it. I don't think I'm going to do any sports though, they're just not my forte. There's been a dance, and the only memorable thing about it was leaving and tripping on the curb. My face + pavement = best. story. ever., but I'll skip it and tell it later if I'm bored enough. Outside of school, nothing at all has been going on. School is actually my hub of communication and social life and pretty much everything else. When I'm not in school, I'm either doing something boring, stupid, or sleeping. I know that sleeping doesn't really fit in, but oh well. But anyway, in my outside life. I've figured out that hulk hands are amazing, boys kind of suck a lot, and eating an entire pan of brownies will make you sick.
So. Yay. Being active is fun.
Everyone should try it.
Sorry for the long boring paragraph about school.
I hope you didn't read it because if you did I feel bad.
lovelovelovelovelove to pink juceeee! ♥

P.S. I actually don't have ANY pictures. But maybe I might get a camera, so that's rad. So then. You know.
Maybe I'll be REALLY active.

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