Mar 09, 2006 19:22
Have had quite a good day today, long but good. We had swimming this morning and it was actually a really enjoyable lecture, and we actually got to swim this week which was cool! Even though the pool was freezing coz sum clever person decided to make it solar heated and so for people whose lessons are 9am in the morning when there is not a drop of sun in the sky have a very cold time! It was nice though to once again have a proper swimming lesson coz its been so long I have dun so much swimming on my own and not been taught technical stuff that I have forgotten how to do it properly! James is a really good coach too we did front crawl today and although I have lots of swimming experience I really felt like I learned a lot! At the end though he made half of us swim one length one at a time whilst the rest of the group watched and he talked through our strokes. Good thing was that as we were swimming we couldn't actually hear what he was saying at all! We have our assessment in 2/3 weeks and we have only had one practical lesson! Luckily its on coaching instead of our abilities but we do have to become familiar with the abilities of the two people we are coaching!
After swimming, like straight after swimming we had hockey. That was ok, funny and chilled as usual but playing hockey in the freezing cold and rain with wet hair was not so pleasant! Plus I was exhausted from doing swimming and then straight away doing hockey pretty much without a break kinda gets u out of the mood.
Then grad skills which was fun fun fun as per usual! SUCH a waste of time those lectures teaching us maths we have already been using in our lab reports for the past year and a half!
I'm addicted to mini eggs again!!!