Oct 30, 2005 15:52
waz poppin err one juz chillin err' and thankin' bout my baby ahhh i miss him i had another dream about him last night.....he ran away with me and then i lost him and i didnt know where he went and i woke up crying....is that a sign???Well its been another one of those days i woke up and thought "hey ill take a shower" i really didnt wanna get outta bed tho, but i got up any ways and took a shower then i went back to my room and layed in my bed.....missed my baby ...cryed...blow dryed my hair....cryed.....layed back down cryed then came in here and iv been downloading music and stuff ever since....haha this is kinda funny he said the song "im sprung " by T-pain described him and im listning to it....i dont think i could put my feelings into words...oh yea iv had such a wonder full weekend!!!( god, that was so fake) i actually got to step out of the house three times!!!and i got to talk on the phone once! woo im doin so good! can anyone sence sarcasem??? lol seriously god i cant wait till i get to see my baby again! thats the day that the world we be good again! im about to cry again....ahhh i better slow my roll....i just want to see him so bad yaw and peanut if u read this which i hope u do just wait a few more years baby....things will get better i swear...just plz baby plz wait on me....and just so you know i have your shirt and i sleep with it every night....i love u baby .... c baby and black casper thats me and my baby right therr! agg well yaw its been great but i gotta bounce up outta err''''