Sep 04, 2007 16:22
About a week ago I started getting a sore throat and thought nothing of it because I get sore throats on a semi-regular basis and they always go away within a week or so. Then I came to California and it was a million degrees outside and I got this disgusting rash, but again I thought nothing of it because it was very very hot, I don't respond well to heat, and I assumed it was a heat rash.
BUT THEN neither the sore throat nor the rash went away and I started thinking perhaps I had a deadly illness, especially in the moments when I felt so sick that I thought I was going to die. Unfortunately it was labor day weekend and the health center was closed. So I suffered for like three days then this morning went to the health center first thing in the morning and sat around for a long long time. Finally the nurse lady saw me and she pretty much freaked out. She did not like the look of the rash and told me that I had either severe strep throat or a bad bad virus. So she freaked out, I freaked out, we freaked out together, and she referred me to a doctor in the area.
THEN I called freaking Kaiser Permanente to make an appointment and I had to wait on hold for like 45 minutes and I had to tell my symptoms to literally 4 different people over the phone before they would make me a freaking appointment.
THEN I drove out to the doctor's office through the maze that is the LA freeway system. Upon my arrival I had to tell all of my symptoms to two more nurses before I finally saw the doctor.
I did not know that handsome doctors existed. I assumed that was only something they had on Grey's Anatomy or ER. Every doctor I've ever had in my life has been an un-attractive middle aged person. In any case, my doctor was a FOX. Holy shit! It's a doctor's office in Hollywood, I should have guessed. Unfortunately my first interaction with this handsome handsome dreamboat consisted of me being like "Hello sexy stranger in a lab-coat, would you please look at my pus-covered tonsils and my disgusting disgusting rash?" not the most romantic setting. Dr. Handsome proceeded to tell me that my school nurse is stupid, I do not have strep throat or an illness, but my first guesses were correct and this is merely a cold and a heat-rash.
So most of my day was wasted trying to find out information that I already technically knew, but I think getting to meet Dr. Handsome makes up for it somewhat.