All Because Two Penguins Fell in Love

Jan 31, 2012 13:01

Title: All Because Two Penguins Fell in Love
Pairing: Adam/Kris
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Betas: outlawsoflovexo astiga0802, and csi13
Disclaimer: I do not own the boys or any other real life people in this story. This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Two penguins inspire Kris to be honest.
Author’s Notes: Written for a prompt that I received from whatthefuckbenj. I hope you all enjoy the story. Thanks for reading. Feedback is always welcome.

“They can’t just do that!” Kris exclaimed as soon as Adam answered his phone.

“Who can’t do what now?” Adam asked, laughing.

Kris was riled up about something. However, Adam had no idea what he was talking about. Adam thought it was cute when Kris was like this about something.

“The penguins,” Kris said as if that explained everything.

“What penguins?” Adam was even more confused and a little worried. “Kris, are you high or something?”

“The gay penguins at the zoo,” Kris responded exasperatedly. He didn’t understand why Adam was being so dense. He surely had to have heard about the gay penguins.

“Gay penguins?! Kris, honey, you lost me,” Adam said, chuckling. He was still a little worried about Kris’ sanity at the moment.

“Don’t you ever watch the news or read a paper?” Kris asked, accusingly.

“Of course, I do, but I haven’t heard anything about any gay penguins,” Adam said.

“Well, there are two male penguins at a zoo in Toronto, and apparently they’ve bonded with each other. They don’t want anything to do with the female penguins. The zookeepers or whoever don’t think that it’s right so they want to separate the male penguins. They want to put them with female penguins…as if the male penguins will suddenly forget each other and want the female penguins! I mean, maybe they will, I don’t know much about penguins, but it doesn’t seem right to me,” Kris spoke passionately.

A laugh burst from Adam, and he tried his best to stop it. He didn’t want to upset Kris who was obviously very concerned about the penguins. However, Adam just couldn’t hold it in.

“Adam, it’s not funny. This is serious. They might only be penguins, but they have a right to be together if that’s what they want,” Kris said indignantly.

“Sweetie, this isn’t really about penguins is it? This is about us,” Adam said suddenly understanding.

“No!” Kris answered quickly. He heard Adam’s sigh. Adam knew him well enough to know when he was lying. “Okay…maybe it’s a little about us. We should be able to be together. We should be able to tell the world that we’re in love. God, Adam, I just love you so much and I don’t want to hide it.”

Kris took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He sat on his couch, hanging his head. He let out a sigh, defeated as a prickle of tears formed in the corners of his eyes. They were like those penguins. Right now, Kris was in his apartment in L.A. and Adam was in his house. They were only a few miles from one another, but it might as well have been thousands of miles.

“I love you too,” Adam said smiling. He never got tired of telling Kris that or hearing Kris say it.

“Then what the hell are we doing?” Kris asked sadly. He wanted to be angry, but he had no fight left in him. “My divorce has been final for six months. I am tired of pretending that I am straight. I am tired of hiding who I really am and that I am in love with you.”

“Kris…” Adam breathed. In another situation, like when they were rolling around together in bed, Adam saying his name like that would have sent a shiver down his spine. Now, it just upset him. He knew that Adam was about to try and talk him out of coming out.

“It’s not going to work this time, Adam. I can’t do this anymore. The longer I wait the worse it will be. I have to do this. People will either be accepting or they won’t. I don’t care about that anymore,” Kris said determined.

Adam didn’t get the chance to say anything else as Kris disconnected the call. Adam attempted to call him back, so they could discuss what they were going to do, but Kris didn’t answer. Adam texted him.

What are you going to do? Call me. We should talk about this.

Kris didn’t reply. Adam paced around the house, biting at his nails. Adam wanted to tell the world about him and Kris too, but he wanted to do it in smart way that would cause the minimal amount of backlash. Kris was upset and not thinking clearly. There was no telling what he would do.

Adam picked up his phone, dialing a familiar number. He needed to talk to the only other person who knew Kris as well as he did, maybe even better than he did.

“Adam,” Katy spoke cheerfully answering the phone. “How are you? I haven’t talked to you in ages.”

“I’m afraid that Kris is about to do something amazingly stupid,” Adam answered, no time for small talk.

“How stupid?” Katy asked, the pep fading from her voice and the color leaving her cheeks.

“Tell the whole world that he’s gay and that we’re together,” Adam said chewing at his fingernail again.

“That’s not stupid. That’s the truth,” Katy said rationally.

Leave it to Katy to be rational and sane about this, Adam thought as he continued gnawing on his fingernail.

“But he’s upset about some penguins and he’s not thinking clearly. Obviously, I want to tell people too. I just want to do it in the right way. I don’t want this to hurt anyone,” Adam said, nervously. By anyone, he meant Kris. He knew how hard it was to come out. He knew that it was possible that people Kris had known his entire life would look at him differently, and treat him like he had a disease.

“Adam, you worry too much. The people that really matter to you and Kris already know and love you both and the others are either going to accept it or not. There’s nothing you can do to change that. I know that you are worried about Kris getting bashed or hated on for being gay. I am sure that it will happen in one way or another, but I am also sure that Kris is a big boy who can handle it and that he’ll have all of us to support him,” Katy said soothingly.

“You sound just like him,” Adam stated dejectedly. He had hoped Katy would help him get through to Kris, but now he saw that she wasn’t going to be any help at all.

“He’s right, Adam. All of this hiding and pretending isn’t good for either of you,” Katy said.

“I know, but what is he going to do?” Adam asked.

“I have no idea, but you know Kris. Yeah, he’s upset right now, but he’s a smart, level-headed guy. He’s not going to do anything outrageous,” Katy said, hoping she sounded confident to Adam because deep down she was concerned about what Kris might do as well.

Pacing, Adam tried to contact Kris again after talking to Katy. He still got no response. Chewing on his nails, Adam tasted the bitterness of blood. Without even looking at his finger, he just moved on to the next one. Sitting down in his favorite chair, he rocked back and forth and stared at the wall waiting for the other shoe to drop.

A noise alerting him to a new e-mail on his laptop startled Adam from his trance. Time had passed because it was darker around him, but it could have been minutes or hours. Adam had no concept of time. Heart beating fast and pulse drumming in his ears, Adam clicked to open the message from Kris. No words just a link. Closing his eyes, Adam opened the link. He squeezed his eyes shut even tighter, hyperventilating. He wanted to know what the link had opened, but he was terrified. Taking a deep breathe, Adam finally opened his eyes.

To Whom It May Concern (It will probably concern a lot of you even though it really shouldn’t concern any of you):

I, Kris Allen, am gay and I am in love with Adam Lambert.

That’s all you really need to know, but I am going to explain a few things. I want you to hear the truth from me.

Adam did not break up my marriage. Katy and I were over long before I even met Adam. To be more accurate, Katy and I never really started. Yes, we were married, but she always knew that I was gay. I always knew that I was gay. It was just easier to pretend that I was straight. It was easier to get married. Katy was, and is, my best friend. She knew before I did that I was in love with Adam. She has been supportive of us since day one.

I am sorry that I misrepresented myself to the public and to my fans. I never thought it would be an issue. At the time, I fully intended to live my life as a straight, married man. I never expected to fall in love with anyone, especially Adam. When I met him, I felt like he was way out of my league. He was so open and honest about himself and I was living a lie. I am not sure what I did to deserve him, but I am thankful for him everyday.

I started today just like I start every day. Gay, in love, and hiding it, but then I heard about these two penguins in a Toronto zoo who are gay. They are going to be separated by their zookeepers. Adam and I are like those two penguins, being separated by lies, close-mindedness, and our own fears. I am done being afraid. It’s time to be brave and admit that I am happy and so in love that it’s kind of ridiculous.

I know that this declaration will upset some people and that I will lose fans. I just hope that the majority of people reading this can be happy for me and Adam.

With Love,

Kris Allen

Just over an hour ago, Kris had posted the letter to his Facebook page. As he finished reading it, Adam heard a key turning in the lock of the front door. He knew it would be Kris. As Kris entered the living room, Adam stood up and met him half way. Tears in their eyes, they stared at one another. Sighing in relief and smiling, Adam pulled Kris into a hug. Chuckling, Kris wrapped his arms around Adam as well. Neither of them knew what was going to happen now, but whatever came their way, they would face it together.

kris allen, fanfic, adam/kris, adam lambert

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