Story for Glam_Bingo: Guardian Angel: Crossroads

Jan 04, 2011 12:39

Title:  Guardian Angel:  Crossroads

Prompt:  AU:  Angels and Demons

Pairing:  Adam/Tommy

Rating:  PG 13

Warnings:  major angst, talk of suicide

Disclaimer:  I do not own the boys.  This story is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only.

Summary:  Adam meets his guardian angel.

Word Count:  885

Author’s Notes:  This story was written for glam _bingo.  I hope you enjoy it.  Thanks for reading.  Feedback is always welcome.

“Are you okay?”  A voice questioned from above him as a hand gently touched his shoulder.

Adam blinked his eyes a few times and looked up.  Kneeling beside him was the most beautiful man he had ever seen.  He smiled a little and tried to get up.  He felt the other man’s hands helping him.

When Adam was sitting up, he looked around.  He was in the middle of nowhere in the center of a dirt crossroads.  He looked around again and saw nothing for miles.  He tried to remember what he was doing here.  The man’s hand was still on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?”  The man repeated after a few moments.

“Yeah…I’m fine.  I just don’t remember what I was doing out here.  How did you find me?”  Adam asked as he brushed some of the dirt from his pants.

“I know that this is going to sound crazy, but it’s kind of my job to know where you are.”  The man told him.

“What are you talking about?”  Adam questioned as he moved away from the man.

“I’m Tommy…your guardian angel.”  The man replied with a smile.

“Guardian angel…I…I don’t understand.”  Adam stammered as he rubbed his head.

“You were about to make a deal with a crossroads demon.  I got here just in time to stop you from sealing the deal.  Unfortunately, you got caught in the crossfire when I vanquished the demon.  You hit your head pretty hard.”  Tommy explained.

Adam tried to stand up.  He swayed a little and Tommy caught him.  Tommy helped him up as Adam tried to process what was going on.

“You know that making a deal with a crossroads demon is stupid, right?”  Tommy inquired after a few minutes.

“Yeah, I know.  I just didn’t see any other way.”  Adam responded as he moved away from Tommy.

Adam’s head was starting to clear.  He was remembering why he was here.  He could stand on his own and wanted to put some distance between him and his guardian angel.

“There are always other ways.”  Tommy declared.

“Well, my only other option was to end my life.  I couldn’t bring myself to do that, so I thought this was the better option.”  Adam replied.

“Suicide isn’t a good option either.”  Tommy stated.

“I know.  If you’re my guardian angel, how come I’ve never seen you before?  I’ve been praying for help…for strength…for anything to get me through this!”  Adam exclaimed as hot tears rolled down his face.

“I…”  Tommy started to say.

“I just wanted to be normal.  I prayed that God would just make me like everyone else.  It took me a while to realize that God wasn’t listening because those people were right.  I’m just a fag who is going to Hell.”  Adam declared as he sank to his knees.

“That isn’t true!”  Tommy exclaimed as he dropped down beside Adam.  “Truthfully, I was just assigned to you.  Your previous guardian was slacking on his duties to say the least.  Your prayers were heard.  God does care about you.  He made sure that you were surrounded by people who love and support you.  He made you the way you are for a reason.”

“So it’s not a sin for a man to love another man?”  Adam inquired as he looked up at Tommy with tears still in his eyes.

“No.  It’s not like that.  God is all about love…all kinds of love.”  Tommy explained with a bright smile.

“So I won’t go to Hell for being gay?”  Adam questioned as he wiped his eyes.

“No.  Going to Heaven or Hell is more about a person’s heart and soul…about their intentions.”  Tommy told him.  “If you have a pure heart and soul, God will welcome you into Heaven when the time comes.”

“Do I have a pure heart and soul?”  Adam asked with a sniffle.

“You have one of the purest I’ve even seen.”  Tommy answered with a smile as he placed his hand on Adam’s shoulder again.

Adam smiled back at Tommy.  He was feeling better.  He wasn’t feeling so alone and hopeless anymore.

“I know that it’s hard to be victimized because of who you are.  I know that you feel alone, but you aren’t.  You have family and friends that love you.  You have me and you have God.  We’ll always be there for you and we love you.”  Tommy spoke as he pulled Adam into an embrace.

“Thank you.”  Adam whispered as he held Tommy tightly.

After a few moments, they moved away from each other slightly.  They looked into each other’s eyes.  They smiled at each other.  Before Adam could think about what he was doing, he leaned in and kissed Tommy.  At first, Tommy hesitated, but then he gave into the kiss.

“What is God’s policy on people falling for their guardian angels?”  Adam asked as they rested their foreheads together.  “Because I think that I could.”

“I could fall for you too, Adam.”  Tommy whispered.

Truthfully, Tommy had no idea about God’s policy about guardian angels and their charges.  Adam was his first assignment.  He knew that it was probably a bad idea to have these feelings for Adam.  He was an angel and Adam was a human.  He didn’t know how exactly all that would work out.

***Author’s Notes:  I was only planning on this story being a one-shot for glam_bingo.  However, I think that it turned into more.  I’ll try to continue it.  I have some ideas.  It might take me a while to get back to it though.***

glam_bingo, adam/tommy, fanfic, adam lambert, tommy ratliff, adommy

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