Dec 18, 2004 00:01
well. This week has been an interesting turn of events. Christmas dance was really fun, but I won't go into too too many details. We had an interesting time gettnig there. So I followed my mom's directions instead of Luis' Mapquest ones. Not a good idea. We were driving around Houston for like 30 minutes! I would go "turn right! no left! no right!" But we eventually made it to the restaurant, and then the dance (where I was greeted by Senora Clark's "Aaaaa...llll..iiiii..ssss...aaaa". I do have to say, I certaintly was not going to do any grinding with that voice in my head! (not that i was going to before or anything). We danced some, but let me say, damn he could dance! That was cool. I so wanna learn to salsa well. Now THAT'S dancing. Afterward when we got to Bea's, Bea, Erica, Lauren, and I had some fun prank calling all our dates who were staying over at Ed's. Fun stuff. Tonight was weird, but fun. I don't think I'm gonna post the details here any longer. I wanna stay extremely busy this holiday, so if you wanna do something or be a part of the plans, call me up!