I love u sooo much ..and im gonna miss u so much when u go.. so please dont go ..
anyways.. im not tht great at story telling.. especially fairly tales.. and well on my birthday it was a lot easier for u to tell tht story cuz hello..i mean u already call me a complusive flirt and well ratpunzel is thanks to lakshay.!
anyways.. ill tell u a HISTORICAL story .. cuz u kno im more interlectual (is tht how u spell it ?) and stuff..
China the land of the communist (SIMRAT IF UR READING THIS.. WHY ARENT U LIVING THERE?)... was under the famous communist leader Mao.
Mao Tse-tung may be the most powerful person who has ever lived. He controlled almost a billion people for more than twenty five years. He controlled more than 9 million square kilometres of land. He controlled a country whose present value is more than $980 billion American. He overthrew an army of more than 4 million to get it, and killed many more to keep it. This project details the life of this once godlike ruler.
But where ever there's good, there's bad. Where ever there's ivory, there's ebony and where ever there's ying, there's yang!
Even though he was infact a "god like ruler" he got over ambitious just like Shakespeares Macbeth. See the similarity between Macbeth and Mao (besides them sahring the smae first letter) was tht they both infact were incited by these wicked witches who wanted to just create some havok! In Mao's story there where two witches - Vedicoo and Devipoo (heheh !). Now Vedicoo and Devipoo "accidently" bumped into Mao during his visit to Ho-chi-cow city. See Mao much like the Egyptions was a decesendent of an animal family. That's right he belonged to the communist cow par-TAY. So Vedicoo nd Devipoo run into Mao and tell him that he has potential in leading " the land of the slit eyes" BUT he must be careful of the chicken family.
So Mao in his insane state of ambitiousness, went and killed all the chickens of China! After killing wat seemed to be 99.99999999999999999999999 % of the chickens of China, he felt satisfied. What he didnt realise was that this one chicken was still lurking aroung lookin for and opportunity to strike back.
So this chiken decides to disguise himself as this hot blond with a huge chest. Cuz he knew that Mao, much like Ceasar is decieved by women. The chicken called himslef BrUtany. So to cut a long story short BrUtany got close to Mao and gained this trust while meanwhile she was conspiring against him. Years passed and Mao's position was threatened a thousand times over, but wit the help of BrUtany he was able to keep his position. Until finally the year 1988 came. BrUtany realised tht this was her one and only chance. So she got her team and called Mao to the church. It was 13th November 1988 (one day before childrens day) and the day of their wedding.
Mao reached the church in his tux but u could see tht he was uncomfortable, because unlike his other family memebers he still had the royal cow tail. Come on .. imagine stuffing a tail in ur tux.. eww.. Suddenly Mao was surrounded by by all these creatures. He knew his time had come.. but where the hell was Brutany. Out of these creatures appeared this goth lama, who was most pissed with Mao for killing teh chikens cuz she was totaly aganst animal slaughter.(ahem sim?) so lama took out a knife and stabbed Mao. As Mao fell to the floor he saw Brutany smiling at him and his last words were ET TU BRUTANY!
Far away on tht same day .. a baby girl was born in Cuba! And her parents named her Maya.
( i actually researched to write this!)