Aug 21, 2005 00:45
[1] What did you want to be when you were younger? veterinarian
[2] What's your favorite type of music? i love all types
[3] What do you spend most your time doing? driving, listening to music and thinking
[4] Would you rather stay at home or go out? right about now id rather stay home
[5] What is your favorite 'fast food' restaurant? harveys... um veggie burger
[6] What is your favorite restaurant? .... BP
[7] Are you a farmer? well my dad is an i milk cows so i guess kinda
[8] If you could marry anyone who would it be? um....i dont think i want to marry anyone right now
[9] How much do you think about the oppisite sex? well... it gets pretty boring in that van all by myself
[10] What's your favorite toothpaste? crest
[11] What kind of grades do you make? im high school high 90's in uni b
[12] If you could go anywhere where would you go? england or africa
[13] How many people do you live with? right now 2 in sept 1
[14] What is your favorite sport? swimming
[15] How many kids do you want? i dont know if i want kids yet
[16] What would you name them? boy- Noah, girl chole( which apparently according to someone is a stripper name * rolls eyes*
[17] What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear? clear
[18] Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
[19] What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? the patch
[20] Have you ever been in a car crash? a fender bender is all
[21] When do you usually go to bed? whenever though lately its been 4 am
[22] Whats the worst thing you ever did? ... hmmm well... im not sure i did a lot of bad things
[24] How many friends do you have?i cant count right now
[25] What's your greatest accomplishment? i dont know, nothing huge
[26] What do you plan to be when you're older? international journalist
[27] What's your favorite PJ's? i dun like pjs
[28] What's your favorite thing to do? running on the beach in barefeet
[29] What color hair do you have? brown
[30] Do you sing well? not really
[31] Have you ever been in love? yes, and i dont wanna go back there for a while
[32] Would you eat a cochroach for $500?maybe 1000
[33] Are you afraid of the dark? nope
[34] Are you bored? friggen right
[35] Where's the last place you've been? lawrencetown
[36] Do you wear a lot of black? not really
[37] Do you get along with your parents? yeah usually when i see them
[39] Do you live in the country, burbs, or city? born and raised in the country live in the city for school
[40] Most painful experience? loving someone
[41] Most happy experience? also loving someone
[42] Have you ever been stalked? um.... not that i know of
[43] Have you ever egged a house? oh yeah
[44] Do you go hunting (deer,duck,etc)? no i did a bit when i was a kid
[45] Do you support PETA? no friggen idiots, comapring dead germansjweish people to dead pigs
[46] Do people think you're crazy? yeah probably
[47] How many people on your msn? as many as will fit
[48] NHL or NFL: NHL cant wait for the season to start!
[49] Do you ever scream into a pillow? i never had an anger problem until recently
[50] Have you ever drowned a fish? how do you drown a fish they live in water
[51] How many songs do you know all the words to? cant count
[52] Do you listen to The Beatles? yep
[53] Do you listen to Eminem? yep
[54] Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? yep
[55] Do you read books often? not really
[56] Do you strive to fit in? i did when i was younger
[57] Fave gum? trident splash
[58] Do you snore? god yes, and grind my teeth right rach?
[59] Are you afraid of thunderstorms? no they are beautiful
[60] Do you care what you look like? not anymore, my hair was my secuirty, now its gone i dont give a shit
[61] Is your hair color fake? no
[62] Whacha wearing? american eagle hoodie and suzy pants
[63] What day is it? saturday
[64] Do you 'fall in love' easily? sometimes i think maybe I do
[65] What's your best physical feature? well it was my hair.. someone help me out here
[66] What attracts you most to the oppisite sex? smile and a personality
[67] Are you picky about who you date? i havent been in the past but im starting to be a bit more
[68] What's your favorite cologne/deoderant? umm i dont know
[69] What's your favorite perfume? j lo glow
[70] Do you like roller coasters? yep love em
[71] Have you ever flown in a airplane? yep
[72] Do you have 'big' feet? no
[72] Do you wear make-up? not usually... for work sometimes
[73] Have you ever went bungee jumping? i want to so badly
[74] Ever been to Paris? no
[75] Do you believe in Vampires?
[76] If you could become a Vampire, would you? oh in 2 seconds lol
[77] Would you call yourself normal? what is the defineition of normal anyway
[78] Have you ever gone skinny dipping? yep
[79] Have you ever stolen anything? yes but im not proud of it
[80] Do you eat seafood? yes
[81] Have you ever been drunk or high or both? at the same time? or different times... yes to both
[82] Ever drove while drunk?never
[83] Do you drink a lot or at all? yeah i drink a fair bit
[84] Have you ever lit yourself on fire? yep... my socks
[85] How many people do you trust with your life? i wouldnt put that burden on anyone lol
[86] Are you considered intelligent? i dont know youd have to aks someone else[87] Are you considered a nerd? some people seem to think so
[88] Do you talk on the phone a lot? HAH.. well i do work at a radio station driving a van with a phone in it so i can call in and talk on air... id say yes
[89] How often do you take a shower? wtf? everyday
[90] What kind of bodywash do you use? some mint scrub shit
[91] What's your favorite candy bar? mars
[92] Ever got a dentention? oh god yes
[93] Ever been suspended? almost... oops
[94] Better: Punk or Prep? punk
[96] Do you like jaw breakers? no whats the point of them
[97] What color is your room? baby blue with pooh on the walls
[98] What do you say a lot? the fuckin shit clock is tickin
[99] What's your best personality trait? say...being trustworthy and open with people
[100] What's your worst personality trait? being trustworthy is also my worst trait
[101] Do you have any medical problems?aside from countless migranes and anemia... nothin really
[102] Are you listening to anything? the fan
[103] What's the last movie you've watched in Theatrez? Charlie and the Chocolate factory.. like 3 times
[104] Who is your best friend? thats not a fair question
[105] Who do you get along with the best? i like to think i get along with everyone lol
[106] Who do you fight with a lot? .... JUSTIN!
[107] Have you ever been in a fist fight? no
[108] Do you talk too much?sometimes yes... actually most times yes lol
[109] Ever fell asleep in class? of course
[110] Sneakers or open-toed shoes? sneaks
[111] Can you do a cartwheel?i can try
[112] Ever been camping? of course one of my fave things
[113] Shorts or jeans? jeans
[114] Double dates or just the two of you? depends on the stage of the the relationship
[115] Do you go to camp? lol.. hell no
[116] When's the last time your parents spanked you? never
[117] Can you rhyme well? sure
[118] Have you ever belonged to a gang ? oh yeah several... * rolls eyes*
[119] Know people who belong to a gang? yes
[120] Do you smoke ciggarettes? yes
[121] Indoors out outdoors? outdoors
[122] Have you ever gotten beaten up? nope
[123] Do you know how to cook? a bit
[124] Do you know how to do laundry? yes
[125] When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? one or 2
[126] How tall are you? like 5'2
[127] What school do you go to? STU
[128] Do you watch the superbowl? of course go patriots... not
[129] What's your least favorite color? umm baby shit yellow
[130] Have you ever faked being sick? ive faked a few things LOL
[131] Ever done something illegal? i dont like rules very much :D
[132] What's the longest you've stayed up? .... 36 hours, they say if you stay up longer you might go insane
[133] Are you afraid of dying? ... not really, death is as natural as birth
[134] What's your biggest regret? i dont have regrets, you only have 1 life, why regret the things you do in it
[135] Ever picked up a hitch hiker? yes
[136] Is your name on any bathroom walls? nope not to my knowledge
[138] What annoys you most? grrrrrrrrrrrr lol...people who pretend to be someone they are not
[139] Fave 'scary' movie? jeepers creepers
[140] Fave 'action' movie? hm...perhaps god i dont know...
[141] Fave 'romantic' movie? yuck... please
[142] Do you have an accent? well to some people
[143] Who is your role model? my mommy
[144] Do you like surprises? yes if they are good ones
[145] What's the ideal age to die? ..... i dont know find some statistics
[146] Do you like to dance? haha..... well yeah but i cant lol
[147] Ever took ballet? yes
[148] Bold or pastel colors? pastel
[149] Do you still wear Tommy Hilfiger? i never did to begin
[150] What brand do you wear most? i dont really know i ahve a lot of silver jeans
[151] What do you normally watch on TV? i dont watch much tv
[152] Do you have any 'special' talents? lol im not really that talented
[153] What's your favorite sport? wasnt that question already asked... swimming
[154] Can you swim? yes im a lifeguard
[155] Can you play a musical instrument? i try to play some
[156] What star sign are you? aries
[157] Do you prefer public schools or private? public for me
[158] Do you care what people think? well depends whos thinking it
[159] Have you ever shot a gun? yes and it was the best feeling in the world
[160] What's your biggest fear? clowns
[161] How many hours of sleep do you normally get? 5 or 6
[162] Regular ice or crushed ice? regular
[163] Blue ink or black ink?black
[164] Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit? a little of both
[165] Have any peircings? yep ears and lip
[166] Gold or silver? silver for sure or white gold
[167] What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? i dont really have a type[168] Do you blow dry your hair? not now
[169] What do you sleep in? nothing at all
[170] What's the last book you've read? short stories
[172] Spiderman or Dare Devil?spiderman
[173] Have you ever broken a bone? my pinky
[174] Shower or Bath? bath but i never have time
[175] Do you have any cavities? nope
[176] Have you ever wore braces? no way
[177] What do you live in? a house? ( i know i know im capitan obvious)
[178] Would you choose true love or to be rich? neither true love gets you hurt and being rich cant buy you what you want
[179] Do you have Cable? no
[180] Do you play any computer games? sometimes i like quake, ive played diablo, i love half life.... CS
[181] How long did it take you to finish this?20 fuckin minutes... i wasted 20 minutes of my life on this