May 17, 2005 12:33
So I'm now back at home. It hasn't been that great so far. Pretty boring actually. When Matt and my friends aren't here, there's just nothing to do! It's lame. And Kirk lives here now so...that's fucking weird. But whatever, I guess. Chris and Justin just left to do some more errands that little sis is not allowed to tag along on. I'm sooo bored. And hungry. And I know those bastards are going to get food. Lame ass. Last night Matt Voogt was supposed to hang out with me, but he flaked out. He said maybe we would hang out tonight, but I think Julie might come get me tonight. So eff that. I'm starving right now....all the food in our house is like crap. For real. I don't want to look for a job. People that are in charge of answering phones are all assholes. Seriously. I hate it how they are like "threatened" or something that I'm calling in about a job. It's like chill the fuck out...I'm not gonna be your replacement! But whatever. Ugh. K, I'm done. ttyl.