Feb 03, 2009 21:37
I pride myself on speaking my mind and I do...except when I get exceptionally shy, don't want to hurt feelings, or have really intense feelings I don't want the other person to know about.
Being a sensitive person my feelings get hurt more often than I'd like to admit. If I said how I felt each time, I'd be a person I would NEVER want to be around.
...so I am caught up- as usual in my head- where I want to say something, but feel I shouldn't because...just because. I mean its 2009 and I am still coming upon the same issues. Geez.
Why can't it all be so simple? Why won't VH1 approach me to do a show where a bunch of mostly gay guys act like they want to do me while they try to jumpstart their already failing rap/act careers? It'll be so much easier. Why can't I be like Ray J, Flava Flav, New York, Brett Michaels?
I need to have a show. I need to find a gay bff and a gay dude who thinks he's in love with me. It'll be a lot easier than what I have going on now-which is pretty much me being insecure and trying to figure shit out.
Hopefully I can sac up.