I had a fun weekend!
Friday- Rose, Ally, Carly, Steph, Evan, Daniel, and Spencer came over.
We hung out. Later the girls all went to the Dance 2 Concert which was
amazing! I loved it! Rose and Ally slept over and we wathed some of One
Tree Hill Season 1.
Saturday- Went shopping at Fashion Square with Steph, Ally and Rose. We
had fun fun. At nite I saw the "Boogeyman" with Lucas, Evan, and
Jillian. It was scary but not scary scary! Then Lucas chased around a
balloon which was way way funny.
Sunday- I went to Carlys house to work on a project with her and
nicolle. it was fun, me and carly got like drunk off of sparkling apple
cider! hahahah. Then i went to Jillians house for a superbowl party! it
was fun i hung with jill, sari, laura, and lots of like 3 year olds!
aww it was soo cute! i love them! i gave shoulder rides, played
fireman, jumped on the bed, played with lizards.. and yea.