Mother's Day

May 08, 2005 19:21

Howdy yu all! Today is Mother's Day... and it was pretty fun. i went over 2 the Newcomer's and my mom's whole side waz there. it was totally kaiotic... so like i sit outside on the porch right and my great g-ma is sitting there and she tries 2 start a conversation w/ me and im just answering like" yup." "no" "yea" and stuff... and so we were just sitting there... lol... and then Kim and Lala(said like luh dont ask) and kim moved 2 texas so like she was here... and she brought her daughter and omg was she THE CUTEST!! i havent seen her... ive only seen pics from when she was like 1.. but omg she was adorable! as soon as they walked in the door she came into the room i was in and she waved her hand and she was like " Hi" in a teeny weeny voice... lol i think shes like 3.. and then kim toook her to see everyone else and she kept comin back 2 me and saying hi... lol omg she was the cutest! my lil cousin mikey is also adorable.. nicole dixon is dying to see him! i cant imagine y she wouldnt! lol yea she it was a big family reunion.. sorta... well anyways... i cant wait until im a mom! i get lots of presents! :D heheh... and oh yea... zac isnt mad at me

well im gonna go...l8er hotties!


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