and we can breathe again, darling *-:

May 30, 2004 21:51

I love late nights at the cabin, and jumping into freezing cold water.  I love tubing, playing atari, going for bike rides and making people suffer thru the woods.  I love watching retarded movies, going on the paddle boat, and driving the pontone boat with just us girls... with the acception of brett.  I love slowing the boat down, and my sister stands up, and then i speed up really fast so she falls over, and jumping off a hunting thing and running from liz who was going to throw juice at me, and me slamming butt down into mud and get drenched.. then get her back by throwing mud all on her.  Kerry got away easily. LoL.  Pretty much summed up my weekend if short details... not including my exciting friday night with the wonderful Kerry*Shey.. not to mention us with out rusty earings, lmao.!  I love Liz and Kerry, you two are the greatest.!  We are definitely all going to my cabin and doing that again the next time I go.!

Comment because I have extreme mad love for you also *-:
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