this weekend has been awsome and rather eventful. Friday day i did very little until i jumped on a train to Bristol, train was a bit delayed but met rae rae
_raeofsunshine_ on the platform, found our way out of the maze of temple meads and sat outside with scary people whilst we waited for ric
_requiem_ and beth. Got to beth's where there was large ammounts of alcohol and party food, and ofcourse large ammounts of alcohol and party food were consumed hehe, everytime ric poured rae some jager he looked frightened, still didnt stop him from doing it though haha. Was pretty merry by the time we'd left, so taxi'd it to rics to drop our stuff off and then moseyed on down to the accademy where vodka and coke was £1.50 this made me very happy. Was a really cool place, met lots of rics friends who i hope were more drunk than me hehe. On our way home we had the best burger EVER i cant stop going on about it! Its exactly what you need after a night out. Went back to rics halls and had laughing gas which was really bizzare haha, so all in all a fun and interesting night. Then his flatmates came home quite drunk and ripped things off his door -mostly buttons. I somehow managed to blag the bed for the night which made me feel guilty because the others had to sleep on the floor (sorry)! Got up really early Sat which kind of sucked hangover-wise, spent the next two hours on a train feeling very sick until i got myself some greasy food at home. Here's some photos, appologies for the pose factor:
note the more drunk we are the worse we look haha oh and the last two poses were me trying to be cool wearing rae's glasses.
So that was friday, then saturday night Gary came over and left after some oc watching in bed today. The rest of the day has been spent revising for english which was ever so rubbish. So all in all a good weekend