(no subject)

Aug 08, 2006 18:42

OK. So All last week I was Helping out at FCC with VBS. (vacation bible school) and as unattractive, as that sounds, I am very truly saddened that it's over. A typical day at VBS Pretty much involved: Getting there at 8:30 (unless you get a flat and have to speed walk 15 minutes to the church), Signing in the kids until 9:00, then waiting until about 9:15 for the stragglers who show up late, then Directly after, going into the Pavilion where its morning Bible story time! Woo. After the kids sit there and not pay attention, We would take them to the Quad where we would have them go over their verse and possibly play a game, after the fun ends there, we would take the back over to the Pavilion for Worship time. I honestly think we had more fun doing the arm movements then the kids. aha. Then after worship,they would have their craft/recreation time, depending on the day, then after that the kids have their snack, Which is our opportunity as the 'leaders' to sneak away and hang out for 20 minutes; then after their break we would take them to 'Missions' Which is a half hour of talking about Poland, China, or the like. Then finally when Missions was over we would take them to The Rally. After all of the chaos was done, we would lead the kids outside where the parents would come to check them out. The parents are like 100 times worse than their own children, I swear! But all in all, I Love VBS and the kids, and will def. be coming to help out again next year. Something really exciting that happened at VBS, was that Vasean my long lost Best friend ever came to visit us. And it was really nice. =] Supposedly next Monday we are having a CCS reunion at Seth's house. So I am very excited about seeing everyone again. And this past Sunday, We all went to Santa Cruz! yay. And it was pretty fun, if I do say so.
So, its already been 16 days of my no Myspace for 40 days fast. And as unbelievable as it sounds, I've managed to stayed away. Only 24 more days to go. =0. Alright so this is the part of the post where I post pictures right?
Here you go:

Hurray for consistency!
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