Sep 08, 2008 19:19

so i just had the greatest audition of my whole life, for real. FOR REAL.

i just RELAXED. and i sounded so much better. and plus i was auditioning for students and not a faculty member so somehow that made me feel better haha.

they vocalized me up to a high G# [that's really high] and down to a low D [that's really low]. i got range like no motherfucker KNOWS. i can't even do that with my voice teacher when i'm nervous. it was nuts.

and i just have this thing; if i'm auditioning for a classical music type ensemble, i sing Lasciatemi Morire because it's cool and i love crap in minor keys. if i'm auditioning for a contemporary singing type ensemble, i sing For You I Will by Monica because...i just do. so i'm in this routine of always singing these same damn songs for auditions and it's sad.

so i get in the audition and they vocalize me, i do the sight reading pretty well, and then they ask me what I'm singing and I say "I'm singing a song from the 90s, For You I Will by Monica." and they're all like alright go ahead. So I'm about to open my mouth and my brain is like DON'T DO THIS SONG BECAUSE YOU'RE SICK OF IT

and i swear it was like the end of a sappy movie, i was like "..Actually, I'm gonna sing something different." and I don't even know where it came from but i was like "SO CAAASEYY CAN YOU REMEMBERRR" omg thank you shane henderson for having a perfect range cause DAMN it was good.

i'm so happy with myself. i won't be disappointed if i don't make it i futones because i'm a freshman and i'm sure they give upperclassmen priority and...again, it was a damn good audition!

that's all. if anyone is going to see valencia soon, give shane a hug for me.

p.s. i also totally might have a job. i hope i do cause i need some moooonz yo.

p.p.s. i made callbacks :) now i have a crapload of music to learn before wednesday so don't bother me!
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