if you're so smart, explain this clarissa.

Dec 31, 2004 00:30



Name*  Sara
Age* im 16 .. but people think im about 18 haha.
Sex*  thank god im female.
Location*  pennsylvania.
Grade(If not in one, tell us)*  im a junior :)


List 5 Movies:
1)  Scarface
2)  Fight Club
3)  Face Off
4)  Kill Bill vol. 1
5)  Porn is good too .. but i never really catch the titles .. lol.
List 5 TV shows:  i dont really watch t.v. but here goes nothinn
1)  Date my mom
2)  Laguna Beach
3)  Dora the Explorer .. (i watch it with my 2 year old sister)
4)  Wanna come in?
5)  Growing up Gotti
List 5 Books:
1)  Why Men Love Bitches
2)  A Child called "It"
3)  This book is about sex
4)  Davinci Code
5)  She said yes
List 10 songs:
1)  "I smell pussy"
2)  "Smoke two joints"
3)  "Anywhere"
4)  "Karma"
5)  "Lovers and friends"
6)  "40 oz. to freedom"
7)  "Callin Baton Rouge"
8)  "Twisted"
9)  "Makin good love"
10) "Comedown"
List 7 Musical Groups:
1)  112
2)  Sublime
3)  Bush
4)  ggggg-unit
5)  next
6)  D12
7)  Black eyed peas


Which means more; personality or looks?  wow.  tough choice.  haha .. i'd hafta say both .. but personality works for me .. but next would come looks.

What are your hobbies and interests?  i love playing lacrosse.  i also love modeling and staying in shape .. sounds gay .. but my town is all about competition .. seriously.

What do you think your greatest moment in life was? when my friends and i took a trip to philly in a limo .. we made up this shit lie story that my one friend was getting married and we were out to dinner before and left our purse in the restaraunt "we put all our pocketbooks into one purse so we didnt have to carry it around philly (which is a big city) so we didnt have any of our ID's"  so we get into a dance club that is for 18 or older after we bribed the bouncer .. but theres a strip club in the back called "The Cave" where theres hot ass men, lol .. so we go back there, and the bartender serves us smirnoffs, and one dancer asks us if we would like to take shots off him .. and we did, ill provide pictures .. hahaha.  btw .. we're all 16.

Who is your role model?  Alicia Denson .. and i idolize her body, not in a sexual way either. :)

Everybody has to have goals for themselves in life, what are a few of your goals?  To graduate w/ a scholarship for lacrosse.  If i dont get a scholarship than i'd like to get accepted to Miami University.  Last but not least .. make it through highschool .. alive.

If I handed you a million dollars right now, what would you do with it and why?  I'd buy my mom a house and a lawyer w/ divorce papers .. because my mom is the best person in the world, shes like my best friend but my step dad is just about ruining her life .. and i want her to be happy.  Shes going on 41 and the only time she's happy is when her and i go to the grocery store together.  I even offer to pay for her to come with me to get her nails done butttt she has asthma and cant stand the smell of all the acetone, so there goes my one on one.  It kind of sucks, but i love my mom with all my heart.

Appearance-wise; what is your best feature and your worst?  My best feature .. hmm i'd say my stomach .. i love it.  i have bad features, but i dont like to notice them .. i try to think of myself as "perfect" the way i am .. to be confident and not give a shit what anyone else thinks.

What is your opinion on religion?  It's there, some abide by it, some do not.  But i still believe in God.

How do you feel about war?  I think it's outrageous.  Bush is such an ass, and when he got re-elected, i was sure and still am sure, that he will be assasinated.  The Iraqi's kill their own people anyway, why are we over there helping them?

Describe your position on gay marriages.  I am for.  I am glad to say that i am bi-"curious"  and if i was truely "gay" than i'd be happy to tell the world.  Do you think not letting them get married is going to turn them straight?

Who took the ram from the ramalamadingdong?  Le tigre.

How do you feel about Abortion?  I support it.  If you dont have the money, you got raped or any other reasons along those lines .. why would you want to give birth?  Why do they have to keep changing all these laws, like we're their puppets or something.  erg .. makes me mad.

Best piece of advice you've ever given. "Aim to please"

Explain "love".  You can't explain love.

What do you think of Online Dating?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  desperate? enough said.

What are your special talents?  i dont know im spontaneous .. that means i must have alot .. hahaha :)

Why should we want you in here? Why do you want to be apart of this community?  I am unique .. and im easy to talk to .. but i can be a bitch when being bitched at.  I can bring fun and bring laughter .. and good stories ..

Post a picture of yourself, no more than 3. PLEASE ( alright these are all i have .. but ill have more after new years .. and im adding the shot pictures for you guys to google over lol.)

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