Digital World [Tron Fanmix]

Jan 08, 2011 21:18

 Digital World

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the songs that I have listed, nor do I own or profit from anything in relation to Tron.
Warnings: Genocide, implied stockholm syndrome, mentions of sex. Huge spoilers for the movie but seriously, if you are reading this and haven't seen it
Pairings: Flynn/Tron, Tron/Flynn, Clu/Rinzler, Quorra/Sam
Summary: There is always a thought behind an action.

AN: So I decided to do a fanmix. Mainly because I just love them and this community is seriously lacking in that department :D So I have about 7 tracks and with each track, I have a little fanfiction to accompany it. Basically what the song makes me think of.
Although, I do have a question, first off. Is it just fandom which has made that Quorra is human on the other side? It seems completely illogical to me, mainly because if Clu wishes to destroy Users, aka humans, on earth because of their imperfections, wouldn't it kind of be weird for him and his whole army to turn into the thing they wish to destroy? It would probably cause him to either kill himself or go back into the Grid. Also, Sam and Kevin Flynn don't turn into programs when they enter the Grid so why would programs turn into humans when entering earth? Makes no sense to me! And I think it's cooler to have Q electronic in a human society :D

Anyways, ramblings are rambling! Hope you enjoy my humble fanmix and the fanfictions that accompany it. Please do comment :D


It's like somebody took my place,
I ain't even playing my own game,
The rules have changed… well I didn't know.
There are things in my life I can't control,
I feel the chaos around me.
A thing I don't try to deny,
I'd better learn to accept that.

-If I Ever Feel Better, Phoenix

Sam doesn’t sleep well anymore.

He thinks of things that no person should dwell on. He thinks of kidnappings, of murder and hatred. He thinks of being abandoned. He thinks of loneliness.

He sometimes stops in front of the old arcade and wonders. He thinks of all the games that he used to play with his dad of all the time he simply felt at peace. He doesn’t feel that way anymore. He knows that he is what society considers, ‘… a lost cause.’ He’s been told so by the board of directors more times then he can count. They probably have yet to realize that he hacks their personal computers a few times a year, just to make sure his company still survives.

He might have dropped out of college but it wasn’t for laziness or low grades. It was only a matter of time before he met the right people, was introduced to the programmers and hackers who have less then reputable images. He works at night with them, his eyes staring blankly at the C++ programming while he builds lines of coding. It isn’t long before his first prank is unleashed on ENCOM and he’s introduced to the buildings security. He’s kicked out of college for his actions but it doesn’t make his victory any less sweeter.

When Alan asks him if he thinks his father would be proud of him, he doesn’t answer for a moment.

“Well, do you think he’d really be happy that his only son is now hell bent on destroying his company?”

He’s hesitant as he speaks, aware that the man in front of him is his only lifeline, “I think he gave up his right to disapprove of my life when he walked out.”

Alan purses his lips angrily, “We don’t know if he walked out, Sam. What are you doing? You live in a shed. You don’t have a proper job. Every night I worry that you’re going to fall off that bike and never get up again.”

“Look,” he says patiently, “…this isn’t my game anymore. I’m just trying to play by everyone else’s rules.”

“Sam,” says Alan, his face creased with lines of frustration, “This isn’t a game, this is life. Your life.”

“Everything’s a game, Alan. I’m just waiting for the final boss.”


We run away, but we don't know why,
And like a mirror these city lights shine,
They're screaming at us, "we don't need your kind."
Sometimes I wonder if the world's so small,
That we can never get away from the sprawl.

-The Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), Arcade Fire

They come for her people unexpectedly.

Rumours have spread, whispered throughout the programs of rebellion and unrest. That Clu is seen less and less with Tron and the creator, that he now has a faction under his own control. That programs with aggression and viral abilities are taking his side. She doesn’t see this unrest because her people live in a tower that soars above the Grid, so that they can see the desolate plains which gave birth to them. The creator comes to them often, listening gently to their words, nodding when their concerns are voiced. Unlike the other he shares with them and enriches their knowledge.

And then, they come. Orange blurs climbing the tower, lashing out at her fellow ISO’s, destroying them in an instant. She’s small enough to make it to the base of the tower and somehow, with all of the strength inside of her, she manages to run from the scene. A young program called Zeus takes pity on her, helps her find the edge of the city.

It takes her what seems like a whole cycle to find her way into the angry, jagged rocks. She is aware that she is alone, that no one can hear or see her out in the wasteland. When the lights are but flecks in the distant, she screams and cries and rages. She throws herself to the ground and screams with all of her might and voice. A hand is on her shoulder.

“Well now, if you scream any louder, the whole Grid will hear.”

When she looks up, tired and weary from her flight, willing to let this program destroy her as he had the others, she sees something different. Clu, but not Clu. The original creator, the one who would speak with her people and warm their homes with his laugh. She knows that he must have fled as well, that Clu has become more then anyone could have predicted.

He kneels down beside her, his hand gentle on her back as he rubs in soothing motions, “Are you an ISO?”

She nods.

“Are you alone?”

She nods again and this time, she is crying and sobbing again. He sighs deeply, so tiredly that she hears it over her own distress. When he picks her up, his body is like a shield against all that has happened. She falls asleep in his arms, feeling the soft hum of the grid fly beneath them and morph into the silence of a new, comfortable place. He gives her a room, a room that he has made himself. It’s white, shining brighter than her skin and lighter than the glow which emits from her arm. When he leaves, she doesn’t fall asleep for a while, aware that today was a day that she would never be released from.

When she awakens, he’s there beside her.


Thinking once there was a power that you were wielding,
And now I’ve hit the mark,
Staring at the dark,
And I cannot help but ignore the people staring at my scars.

-Little Secret, Passion Pit


The voice is quiet and hesitant. He’s heard the sound of it countless times now, a distant reminder of all that is good and right with the Grid. He turns to her, noticing that she is taller, that unlike programs, which are consistent, and eternal, she is evolving into an individual.

“Yes, Q?”

“Are you alright?”

He’s sitting in Zen position, his eyes trained on the faraway blur of lights and activity. He doesn’t know how to answer her question. Is he alright? It’s been years since he found her but life hasn’t been easier. He has to watch himself more then ever when he enters the Grid. He doesn’t sleep properly, his dreams always thrusting upon him images of his little boy as he waits for his father. He worries about whether his parents are alive, whether he has anyone to look after him.

“You’re thinking about Sam, aren’t you?” She asks. Her eyes are wide and inquisitive, the tragedy of his separation from Sam intrigues her. He knows that she’s developing something of an affection for the boy, despite never having met him. He’s just glad that she has something to keep her going.

“As usual.”

She frowns, “But that’s not all.”

“Hm, it never is.”

“What, then?”

He doesn’t answer. Truthfully, he’s thinking of his old life in the Grid, his life with Clu and Tron. It hadn’t always been a negative force. Once, it had been something exceptional. And Tron. His Tron. His best friend. His only confident. Truthfully, his most trusted and closest ally. Ever since Alan's disengagement with his program, he had taken Tron under his wing. He doesn’t know when that paternal affection for the program turned into something more. It sickens him to think of these emotions, which are so strange and disturbing. To love a program, an artificial being. Worst is that Tron died for him, he fought for his very life and was punished for it.

She’s staring at him now, noticing the fact that he is silent and sorrowful. He feels like every part of his body exposes those secret feelings he had for the program. Worse, he knows that Clu is aware of that part of him. Hell, he is him. To derezzle Tron was the ultimate punishment for his own imperfections.

Her hand has loops through his, an action which she no doubt learned from her hours of human research. To him, the girl next to him is almost a god.

He chuckles to himself.

Two helpless Gods in exile.


I'm gonna be your man,
Angel girl.
In a cold dark world,
I'll make you understand

-Cold Dark World, Weezer

The first moment he sees her, he thinks that he’s in love.

Of course, he’s never been in love so he isn’t really sure what it is that he’s feeling. Maybe he’s just so god damn relieved to not be dead that he’s willing to marry the next person he sees. Either way, she’s probably the most good looking girl he’s ever seen and he’s willing to overlook the whole, ‘program,’ thing.

Trust him to be thinking of sex at the most inappropriate times.

He can’t help but think that despite how asexual and unaffectionate the programs are, there is something undeniably attractive about them. Even the monkey with the two disks had something alluring in his flexibility and his determination. His father deserves a thumbs up for the way he crafted his programs, all legs with curve enhancing light strips.

When he looks over at the girl for the millionth time since she rescued him, he’s kind of appalled by his own thoughts. There is something in the twist of her mouth and wideness of her eyes that speaks of innocence and purity. Something that shouldn’t be destroyed by lust and physical affection. But rather, adored and fawned over.

He wants to let his hands slide through her hair, feel it run through his fingers. It’s been a while since he’s had any sort of intimacy with anyone. He tried to throw himself into a relationship, only finding that he’s more messed up then he had thought. Girls don’t like a guy with a baggage and he’s got a hell of a lot of it.

He doesn’t know where they are going but he figures that as long as he’s with this angel of a girl, he’ll be alright.


There are two colours in my head
There are two colours in my head
What, what is that you try to say?
What, what was that you tried to say?

- Everything in its right place, Radiohead

The fact that he can understand his demise makes it all the worse.

He is a program, only a program. Sometimes he has to remind him that in the end, he can be derezzled just as easily as a Search program. That even the MP3’s have a body as strong as he does.

It’s hard to remember that he is, ‘just,’ a program when he receives his punishment.

He’s hardly fazed by them anymore. Clu will come to him, he always is the one to find him. He’s a fierce program in the eyes of the guards so when he receives his punishment, it’s in a private room. When he can keep his helmet on, he allows himself to grimace and clench his teeth in pain. When it’s off, he simply allows his face to be barren of any sign of discomfort. While he knew that beings of the Grid don’t feel pain as the Creator does, there is a level of nerve acknowledgement which emulates the humanoid reaction to pain. It is beyond discomforting to get to such a point.

The punishments are almost perverse in their brutality. Clu likes to watch as he struggles against different levels of difficulties.

When it is finished and his data streams are tingling from the disruptions, he is forced to kneel in front of the clone and lean his head to his lap. He doesn’t say it but there is a shared thought for his weakness and his obedience. Clu can always assure his cooperation at such a time. It makes his body shudder to feel those familiar yet unfamiliar hands brush through his hair. To hear that voice, so regal and domineering.

“Such a handsome program,” says Clu from above him, “so trusting and honest.” He’s silent for a moment, until his hand is pulling on his hair and lifting him from his position, “It’s too bad that no one will ever see it again. Can’t have them think you’re anything but a tool.”

When the pain is nearly overwhelming, something reacts within him. A paradoxical combination of sensory receptive signals and system programming makes him truly rebel against Clu. It’s too short of a moment to act upon but for just a microsecond, he is Tron. He is the first of his kind, the most unique of his kind. He is the program that would lie beside the creator as his disk was reconfigured. He was the first to experience free thought and a will to be independent..

He shudders because those hands never seem to stop at his hair. They trail down his back, curving beside his disk and tracing his orange strips, showing his allegiance.

That familiar laugh sounds so tainted.


Don't move
Don't talk out of time
Don't think
Don't worry
Everything's just fine
Just fine
I feel numb
Don't struggle
Don't jerk

- Numb, U2

When his prime directive is initiated, his whole world ceases to exist.

He is driven, compelled, to fight to its conclusion. It is his world, his universe, it is all encompassing and all driving.

Even when he is pursuing the child of the creator, it fills his body with a purpose and a meaning. He can’t question it, no matter how much that pit within his mind fights against it. That pit which contains all the memories of a clear laugh and an easy smile. Of the eyes that met his. Of the proud, strange smile that adorned the User’s face.

That pit of the past fights against him. Fights against the numbness of his life and the autopilot mode he has engaged. When he jumps into the air, ready to speed towards his prime directive, he doesn’t feel excitement. Just a plain numbness that taunts his superior programming and his base need to improve and assist.

To secure; not to attack.

Perhaps if Clu had understood that, if he had truly realised that he was a security program, then he wouldn’t have malfunctioned.

His mind perhaps wouldn’t have glitched, thereby overriding his second prime directive in favour of the old, ancient one. The one which had once filled him with something he images must be happiness. When he consciously realizes that he is attacking his master, his creator, his everything, he takes himself out of the equation.

His fall is so graceless, his landing so sudden. He will not die in this sea which swallows its prey. He’ll simply live in his memories, content to see that smile and listen to that laugh. It’s almost as if a burden has been lifted from his shoulders.


Is it real now?
When two people become one,
I can feel it.
When two people become one.

- Walking on a Dream, Empire of the Sun

~xx~She’s naked beside him.

It’s early morning and he can’t sleep. He’s been watching the window for the sun to rise and slowly, it’s making its way towards him.

Quorra shifts, sighs and rolls over. Her back is to him. It’s so smooth, he wants to run his hands up it and wake her. But she’s sleeping, she’s tired. Her arm hums softly, the reminder of her origins, of her inhuman existence. He wonders why he ever believed that she would be human in this world. If that happened to all who crossed from the Grid, surely Clu would become what he hated.

He’s watching the window again and heavy drops of rain are making its way down the pane. He feels comfortable, warm and in love. He’s never been this happy before.

A hand is on his chest and when he looks across at Quorra, she’s awake and watching him. He brings his hand up to hers and threads their fingers together.

When the sun rises, she almost seems to bathe in its rays.


Track Listings: 
1. If I Ever Feel Better - Phoenix 
2. The Sprawl ii (Mountains Beyond Mountains) - Arcade Fire
3. Little Secret - Passion Pit
4. Cold Dark World - Weezer
5. Everything In It's Right Place - Radiohead.
6. Numb - U2
7. Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun


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Thanks for reading guys, please do comment if you enjoyed or did not enjoy this. :o)

slash, fanmix, fanfiction, tron

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