For the Greater Good
Summary: Albus Dumbledore’s life, secrets and weaknesses through the eyes of Minerva McGonagall. One Shot.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything in relation to Harry Potter. If I did, I would be swimming in a vat of money and small change.
Pairings: Gellert/Albus
Warnings: None really
Part Two
“For the greater good then. For Albus and for the greater good.” )
Still, I need to wrap this up because I'm going to run out of room in this comment. Um, there were only a few things that bothered me. One sentence you had said, "He was irresistible to resist." I would suggest changing the word irresistible, since by definition you can't resist something irresistible. That just really threw me out of it. And then, all the times it should have been "than" you had it written as "then." But those are really small things. Overall, your story was brilliant. I have already recommended it to others. This was truly unique and a wonderful read.
I absolutely agree with your criticism. That line really doesn't make a lot of sense (although I will admit that it sounds nice to say out loud :D). 'Than,' and 'then,' are the bane's of my life. I'm still very young so I've only just got over the, 'where,' 'were' and, 'we're,' hurdle. I am certainly going to have to make that task my next priority!
Once again, thank you so much for reviewing! I really appreciated EVERYTHING that you had to say!
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