Jan 16, 2006 13:56

Dang. lol. I really hate the winter =*(**

Anyways... Thursday was fun at school. I got my hair colored all black again bc I missed it and love it. This week Im gettin white pieces in it! YAY! So stoked. Then I bought another outfit at BareFeet. Its a black sexy tank top w/ these weird dangley things on the front. Its so unique lookin. I love it. It looks good on too. I also bought a pair of sexy very low rise tight jeans<333 They have silver rhinestones on the back pockets too. Harry loves the outfit =)
on Friday Harry and I stayed in and goofed off and talked a whole lot. Saturday I had school and I did my Moms hair from 11:20-3:00! I had to strip highlights all over her head of thick curly hair lol, then wait for it to process everywhere, then to put the red toner on it (that makes the highlights the color she wants), then rinse it, shampoo it, condition it, and finally style it. Took forever but it looks so hot. Everyone was sayin how awesome it looked. I felt very good and accomplished, but tired. I got to leave at 3 when I was finished bc I didnt have any breaks all day. Then we picked up Harry. We all went to dinner at Champps. It was really good. While we were there, it started to get SOOO windy and it started snowin! It was nuts! I wore my new outfit so I was cooooold when we got outside. I wore a jacket, but a tank and jacket isnt enough to keep warm hah.
Yesterday I did nuttin haha. Harry had band practice.
Today Im gettin my nails done. yAy.

I know what to get Harry for Valenines Day, but im not puttin it up bc I still dont trust some peoples. Im paranoid like that. But I know he'll love it =)

Im hungry. Im gonna go eat some mozerella sticks.. mMm<3 Ciao<3

-Steph xo

P.S. Harry got a iPod Nano.. its soooo cool haha
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