i hate cooooooolllllddddssss.. ugh

Nov 22, 2005 20:49

i have a cold and it sucks.. stuffy nose, sneezing every couple of minutes (literally), mucus in my throat... it sucks. i hate colds. the damn weather changing from spring to winter in a day *shakes fist*

its gonna be 37º out for Thanksgiving.. im so not ready lol. im also not ready bc i dont feel good and i gotta go to Harrys moms house and be around tons of kids and people.. im really not feeling up to it, but hopefully on Thanksgiving day ill feel a little better. i wanna take meds, but the only meds i have is NyQuil and i refuse to take that shit bc it makes me feel like im drunk or stoned.. i dunno, but it makes me feel worse then what i already am. i wanted Robitusin but Harry said all they had was NuQuil.. eh. i havent had a cold in a long time.. since last fall/winter lol im always sick in the fall/winter =*(** couple of people at school had colds so.. its goin around folks.

i stayed home today. shit.. if i dont feel good tomorrow im not goin either.

my mom and dad are goin to Poppi's w/ my Pop Pop and Great Grandmom so i dont wanna be alone on Thanksgiving so i gotta go to Harrys moms.. plus, its only a cold. i think ill live. i hate goin anywhere if i have even the sniffles. i just dont feel.. myself. ill have to work extra hard then. get a nice outfit, do my hair nice, and my make-up.. go allll out to try to make myself feel better. and tylenol lol. Lord knows im gonna need it.

i took my extentions out today bc the glue only stays in for so long.. i forgot how short my hair really is. i hate it. near Xmas im gonna get extentions put in again anyway so.. its alright i guess.

i have $63 saved up for Xmas shopping.. not too bad for not having a job.

alright my mom wants to go on now. Ciao<3

-Steph *sneezes and coughs* =P xox
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