Jan 24, 2008 14:09
I havent updated in awhile. Things have been busy. I'm living back with my mom, Stephen and I moved back for a few months so we could get back on our feet.
So I had quite the scare the other day!
Ever since Christmas I had been bleeding, it wasnt a period it was just blood and it was on again off again kind of thing. Up until 2 weeks ago I had been experiencing severe pain to the point where i couldnt sit or stand, or even lay down without being in pain. Stephen and my mom kept telling me to go to the doctors, but of course i'm stubborn. I ended up continuing on with work and my daily routine until the other day, I went into work (at 4:30 a.m) and got everything ready and around 6 a.m I started throwing up, I had this sudden thought that I may be pregnant, I sat down for awhile because i had pains in my abdomane so bad it was unbearable to stand up. I ended up going home sick, and laid in bed till about 10 a.m till I couldnt take the pain anymore and decided to go to the doctors, stephen called my regular doctor and they didnt want to see me, they told me to go straight to the ER a.s.a.p So I did, it was a 30 min ride and very uncomfortable. After sitting in the waiting room for about 2 hours I finally got looked at. The doctor wanted to do some blood work and than a pap smear to see what was going on, ( i have an I.U.D) After drawing blood, the nurse comes in an hour later, and tells me i'm pregnant, I of course freak out because I am not stable enough to have another kid right now (financially) So, They wanted to do an ultrasound to see if the baby was in my uterus, if not it was going to be "cold metal and bright lights" as the doctor put it. I had the ultrasound (very painful) and asked the girl if it looked serious when she was done, alls she said was "when you say, "ouch" I can see why it hurts" she was in no position to tell me anything. They send me back to my room and the doctor comes in and tells me that the baby is in my tubes so I had a tubal pregnancy, and that i would need a surgery done imediately and they were sending the doctors in now to get ready. Within 15 mins I was in surgery, they ended up doing a bikini cut after cutting open my belly button because there was to much blood inside me ( the doctor said about 1/3 of a 2 liter bottle of blood was in me) After surgery I had to remain in the hospital because my blood count was so low, and i was pretty much anemic (spelling?)
I'm now on bed rest for 2 weeks, and it sucks! But i'm so glad I went in, I cant believe i was pregnant for a month and had no idea, needless to say I got my I.u.d taken out and will never have one ever again.
this has been the most painful thing ever!!!
I'm letting you all know i'm still alive! I do read your entries just havent had time to commment, i'll work on it