Nunn Sense Legacy - Gen 12

Mar 10, 2012 15:04

Some random pictures from Gen 12:

Gen 12 are Lauren and Tiberius. Here they are playing "Dragons and Pirates". Tiberius is the dragon, and Lauren is the pirate.

Tiberius loves playing games. I see a future in the slacker career.

Tifa came to visit.

Kaylee was attacked by the zombie hordes and made in to a zombie. Thus the household is now mom-less. Luckily, this kind townie has offered her services to help bring in more gen 12 children. (Townie is Mary Garvin.)

Yea, she's not the prettiest sim ever, but this is a fall-out zone, no one looks too nice.

Apparently, Rick considers the ideal of having babies with Mary the same as having an affair. He has been flirting with Mary for quite some time, so he must not be too offended.

Lauren's OTH is sports. That's good, as she will need to be athletic to defend herself from the zombie horde.

Ah, the children have gone to sleep. Rest well, kids.

Ty (short for Tiberius) woke up at 4:15 in the morning. The stress is getting to him.

Lauren heading off to school. Rick walks outside in his boxer shorts. "Ugh, Dad, did the zombies steal your pants?"

Rick got a promotion at work. He's on the science career track. I'm trying to get him promoted as rapid as possible so we can use showers again. Everyone is stinky and wants a bath!

Oh dear, Rick's new job hours are outside the hours that the children are in school. He can't leave the little ones home alone.(Socal Worker) Rick needs to find someone to move in, but that's restricted. Can't hire the nanny, that's restricted to. oh what?

Never mind that, a zombie has been sighted out front! Grab your gun, Rick!

Die Zombie!

Yuck! Dead zombie stinks!

Since the explosion knocked out the power, tv and radio are useless for entertainment. Sims pass time by studying and reading.

And the children grow to teenagers.

Ty celebrates with a sponge bath.

sims 2, legacy challenge

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