It's good talking to old friends again.....

Feb 23, 2003 00:58

Pink5683 (12:31:25 AM): hey there stranger
DrVenkman84 (12:31:33 AM): Hey. What's up?
Pink5683 (12:32:03 AM): nothing, finishing up one boring Saturday night? what's going on on your end?
DrVenkman84 (12:32:25 AM): Not a whole lot. Reading some. How have you been?
Pink5683 (12:33:15 AM): I've been doing pretty well. I was sick this past week, but otherwise, life is good
DrVenkman84 (12:33:34 AM): That sucks and is cool, respectively.
Pink5683 (12:33:40 AM): thanks
Pink5683 (12:33:46 AM): how about you? How has life been?
DrVenkman84 (12:34:22 AM): Busy and a bit stressful. Weekends become a needed but guilty decompression time.
Pink5683 (12:34:38 AM): I understand that one totally
Pink5683 (12:34:52 AM): I was supposed to do a ton of work today and I didn't
DrVenkman84 (12:35:23 AM): Yeah. I had a vague mental plan to accomplish something in that vein, but it never materialized.
Pink5683 (12:36:06 AM): I just had zero motivation today
DrVenkman84 (12:38:12 AM): I just looked out the window for the first time in many hours, and realized that we are buried under quite a bit of snow.
Pink5683 (12:38:53 AM): I think that we might be too
Pink5683 (12:39:08 AM): I can't physically get to my window and check, but I wouldn't be surprised
DrVenkman84 (12:39:14 AM): The previous junk was well on its way to being completely melted.
DrVenkman84 (12:39:26 AM): And now, BOOM.
Pink5683 (12:39:56 AM): here too, and that BOOM is going to make everything beneath it a nice sheet of ice for me to slip on and fall on my ass
DrVenkman84 (12:40:32 AM): It's a ploy. From the ass-protector manufacturers.
DrVenkman84 (12:40:55 AM): And its a perfect one, since everyone is convinced that "no one can control the weather."
Pink5683 (12:41:29 AM): but they can...oh yes they can
DrVenkman84 (12:41:29 AM): And if someone says they can, it's "my ass..." Precisely what they want.
Pink5683 (12:41:37 AM): hahahahha
Pink5683 (12:43:04 AM): and you know what the worst part is?
DrVenkman84 (12:43:13 AM): What's that?
Pink5683 (12:43:13 AM): those ass protectors don't even work
DrVenkman84 (12:43:24 AM): I know!
DrVenkman84 (12:43:41 AM): They just crank out a substandard product, because they have a MONOPOLY.
Pink5683 (12:44:09 AM): I long for a day when I can enjoy adequate ass protection
DrVenkman84 (12:45:33 AM): There are forces... underground... that strive to bring about the days of sufficient posterior protection.
DrVenkman84 (12:45:44 AM): Once the time is optimal, those days will be upon us.
Pink5683 (12:47:55 AM): I just hope that, in the future, my children and my children's children will never have to know the pain of inferior ass safety equipment
DrVenkman84 (12:48:58 AM): Fear not, my fellow ass-care practitioner.
Pink5683 (12:49:36 AM): do you really think there may be hope?
DrVenkman84 (12:50:50 AM): I have sources, and the updates they routinely provide me keep the light alive.
Pink5683 (12:52:00 AM): :-)
Pink5683 (12:54:29 AM): well hon, my presence is being requested upstairs at Irish Night
Pink5683 (12:54:43 AM): It was good talking to you
DrVenkman84 (12:55:46 AM): Good talking to you too.
Pink5683 (12:55:57 AM): Good night
DrVenkman84 (12:56:06 AM): 'Night.
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