(no subject)

May 23, 2005 17:28

haha today was funny...i didnt see jordan till before 5th period but thats ok lol he said he had to tell me something....so i was like...what...? and he's like ill tell you later then we kissed then i said is it good and he said.....yah...then i said good it better be lol then before lunch (after 5th period) i went ^ to him and i was like.."TELL ME" and he was like i was just playin i dont got nuthin 2 tell you and i didnt believe him so i took his bookbag then i wouldnt let him go i said "im not letting you go intill you tell me" then he kept saying "i was playin i dont gatta tell you n-e thing!!" lol then i finally believed him and let go but i still had his bookbag lol.Then came 7th period hahaha....which is p.e. the only class we have 2-gether...n-e ways the teachers was giving out like awards for like presidential only and Jordan was the only person in the class to get presidential haha thats my baby!! lol then we had to go outside and walk.run,or jog a lap around the mile thingy and he was walkin w/ me n my buddy kristin...then we went inside and either played b-ball or siton the bleachers....me n jordan n kristin were sittin on the bleachers for awhile talkin bout...stuff....lol...then he said give me a kiss so i gave him one lol...then he went to play b-ball (haha the class needs thier star player lol) then before it was time to go to 8th period he said give me a kiss so i kissed him another time then i said another...another....another lol he gave me 4 lol then one on the cheek cuz i laughed cuz i kept sayin another and he missed lol so far 7 kisses today haha w0ah then it was time to go to my boring science class then i walked out the door and he's like tryin to get his bookbag and i said no then he went to walk with his friends lol...then the next time i saw him is the bus loop i almost got in trouble cuz i was waiting by his bus and my 4th period teachers like "tara go to your bus!!" then i said this is my bus lol then he said get on it then i said"...no...im waiting for my....my.....my....COUSIN...yeah my cousin....then he's like o00ok then he walked away then jordan came and he tried to pull his bookbag out of my hands but he just gave ^ and walked on the bus and smiled at me and i smiled back...then i started walking to my bus (2 buses ^ from his) then that teacher my 4th period one said "tara i thought that was your bus then i said i forgot im riding this one today then he just shook his head and walked away lol.Well yeah that was my day pretty much...o0oh yeah lol i still have his bookbag i have it right now onmy lap haha!! COMMENT IF U READ THIS*!!*


i just got done talking to my ex (prince) and he is moving to washington

*tear tear tear tear tear TEAR

's Jordan

's Tara

hahaha we
 each other!!

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