and oh don't you know that I am always feelin' able when I'm
sitting home and I'm carvin' out your navel
I'm justa sittin here carvin' out your navel
that song make me dance.
the CRAZIEST thing happened to me this morning:
okay, so I'm not excited about going to pullium's 8:00 class b/c I missed the last day before we got out for spring break. anywho! so I get in there and he's like "you got an umbrella kid?" I say no, and we go back to his office to get one, and he sends me off to the bookstore to pick up some articles he's run off for his philo. class, AND to randomly talk to one of the coaches (about former bishop john spong who I went to see last year and now pullium loves me) who runs the FCA at cacc... riiiight. so I got talk to this old jock, and he has less of an idea of why I'm there than I do. we talk for about 10-15 minutes about religion and interpretations and science, and all kinds of things and I go back to class.
SO, I get back there and everyone's gone b/c it was just a bug check day, so when I'm getting my stuff out of the room, pullium's like, what class do you have next? I tell him psy. and he tells me to go tell wilmarth that dr. pullium needs me for the 1st 5-10 minutes of his class. so wilmarth doesn't give 2 shits, and pullium tells me to read a spong article that's about 10 pgs long. then he tels me that he wants me back for the 1st 5 minutes of his next 2 classes to talk to them about john spong... WHAT!?
basically it was like, here kid, give a speech on a guy you saw speak a year ago and read a book and a half about. but I did it, and it went really well, he left the class, and I stood behind the podium and just talked about john spong's life and books and I got a grand total of about 10 serious questions and 4 "I like your shirt/are you a bug" type questions.
as random as it was I just kept thinking, it's a good think I don't have a problem with getting up in front of a class with 35 kids in it, you know? I'm just so glad he didn't stay in there while I was talking.
as I was leaving, he was talking to me about spong and same sedx marriage, and he said, "you know, spong's in full support of you people." I would think you people = lesbians, but, you know what? let that man think whatever he wants.
but, I had a wonderful spring break, even though I didn't get to see my best friend in the whole entire world, (I'm sorry and I miss you "queer" elizabeth) but as a result of that, I stayed out of the house as often as I could and saw very very little of lisa. so that's good. plus I got to spend a lot of time with drew and my siblings. and that was good. we went to the beach (minus drew, plus ev) and that was a good time.
we are going back to the beach this saturday. ETD - 5:00 am! yes! and just stay till whenever that night and come home.
I hesitate to say anything about this b/c I will probably puss out, but I might get a tattoo
of this! does anybody know about the artists at david's gallery, as in "NO! DON'T GO THERE!" hopefully they are good. I should check that out.
I'm going to go take a nap.
"how sweet it is to be loved by DREW"