Title: Moon world
zvemiDisclaimer: Don't own them, would never want this to happen to them in real life. xD
Word Count: 11,409
Warnings: Some form of dystopia, violence, sex, prostitution, abuse, character death, really depressing stuff?
Summary: Meeting him was the best thing that happened to him in this dark world. Now he would do anything to avenge him.
Author’s Notes: …I have no idea how I managed to write this. I started this fic about a year ago with a completely different pairing in mind. But as I wrote, the fic kind of changed itself and it somehow became perfect for this challenge. Even though this is one of the hardest fics I ever wrote, I also enjoyed writing it. It’s definitely something else from what I usually write, so it was interesting getting out of my comfort zone. :) I also included a soundtrack, so please check it out. And of course the art, which is all sorts of awesome! I hope you'll enjoy reading this fic! ♥
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